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The dialogue is taken directly from Superman/Batman #76. It's written from Clark's perspective of the change. There are several comics that focus on Dick's inner turmoil over this decision but I wanted to provide his perspective on this particular exchange. Hope you enjoy.

 It wasn't the first time Dick had looked himself in the mirror and felt like a total utter fraud.

Bruce had told him not to do this.

Not to pick up the mantle.

He felt Nightwing and Robin, Dick and Tim, could handle things as themselves. Dick isn't sure if it's because Bruce doesn't think he can handle the responsibility of Batman or if he doesn't want to Dick to bear the responsibility. Probably a little of both.

The very idea had been laughably unreasonable. The moment people caught wind that Batman was gone they all went bat shit crazy. Pun intended.

Dick hadn't believed Clark when he'd been told. Still kinda doesn't. No matter the tests or any other proof given to him Dick just couldn't say with one hundred percent certainty that Bruce was gone. Dead

But he was gone. Dick could say gone even if Tim still couldn't.

Everything was a complete disaster. Jason had put on the Batsuit, the city had been nearly burned to the ground, and Damian and Tim almost died. Nothing really got better until Dick put on the suit and essentially did what Batman does best. Laid down the law, and kicked the ass of anyone who got in his way.

What made it even worse, is Dick had been right. Gotham needs Batman, and it had to be him. Bruce's last request of him, the one thing Dick had been more than willing to agree to, and he had to disobey it and be the one thing Dick felt completely unworthy of.

Dick had tried to keep a low profile.

Between Tim leaving and trying to learn how to deal with Damian he didn't want people making an already terrible situation worse by questioning his every move.

He had every intention of informing the League of the change when this settled.

Then the Scarecrow happened.

The first big thing to happen since he'd officially taken the role.

He had planned everything so that no one would see him. Of course Scarecrow went rogue and Dick was forced to adapt. The camaras caught him.

There was no way the League didn't know now.

He knew there would be a response. He wasn't sure who would show up first to confirm what was going on.

He wasn't surprised it'd been Clark. That wasn't the surprising bit.

Clark intercepted him on patrol. Damian was still healing from getting shot, leaving Dick alone. Probably for the best.

Dick had seen Clark when he was upset but this was very clearly something else. He suspected he may know what but he had hoped Clark would understand why.

"What are you doing?" Clark's tone is clipped, he's barely holding it together.

Dick knows he should be careful with his answer. He knows that Clark lost his best friend, Dick knows how much that hurts. But, he's tired. He doesn't want to deal with this too.

"I don't understand this- what do you mean what am I doing?" Dick lets a little of his frustration seep into his tone. "I'm honoring him, I'm carrying on his legacy."

"Then carry on his legacy. Do it. Be the man he raised you to be. But not in his uniform."

Dick's suspicions are confirmed. Of course that's what this is about. Clark's timing just happens to be the worst. Dick doesn't really have the patience to explain why he does the things he does. Bruce never did, why does he?

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