A Lead Gone Wrong

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 This is just how Dick got the lead from Luthor in The Report

Dick knew when he was being spoon fed clues. That he was being manipulated to be here.

Things were lining up too coincidentally.

Two separate leads that were moving parallel towards the same thing were concerning. Two people wanted his attention. And the two people didn't want the other knowing what they were up to.

It led him to Metropolis. It led him to crouching just out of view.

He knew Luthor was expecting him. Luthor wanted something, and whenever Luthor wanted something Dick wanted to make sure he didn't get it.

Of course Luthor knew that too so Dick tried not to get too wrapped up in that. He just needed to be careful and make smart decisions. Luthor was smart and he knew how to out-think people, including him. Dick didn't really need to out-think Luthor he just needed to do things Luthor wouldn't anticipate.

There was a difference. Dick was sure of it. It's either that or he's gone crazy.

He was waiting.

Waiting was a learned skill. Dick wasn't always patient, but this required patience.

He'd been simultaneously receiving messages from Talia Al Ghul. She'd been requesting his assistance and wanted Batman far away from it.

Talia didn't exactly like him. She saw Dick as possible competition for Bruce's attention or maybe just a roadblock in whatever her and her father were planning. But she was asking for his help. He can't think this isn't for nothing.

It didn't feel like a trap. Even when it should, even when every other instinct told him that it would be one, something in him told him that it wasn't.

Maybe it was because Luthor was also interested in whatever Talia was wanting to protect. Her family wasn't in the Light. They were no longer entitled to the same protections offered by Vandal Savage and his lackeys.

Maybe it was something dangerous to them.

Dick knew one thing. He wouldn't be able to decide the best course of action until he figured out how Luthor fit in.

He moved to break into Lexcorp. It was too easy, it only solidified that Luthor was expecting him.

He had a fleeting thought that maybe he should've warned someone what he was doing in case this whole thing went sour on him.

A secretary stepped out of Luthor's office, giving Dick just enough time to slip in before the door closed. Luckily (maybe not luckily, Dick couldn't decide) Luthor, for whatever reason, was keeping his office relatively dark. Allowing Dick to blend in and wait a moment longer.

Luthor was hunched over his desk, signing document after document. Mercy stood next to him. Waiting. She was always waiting.

Dick really didn't feel like dealing with her.

As if to add to the uneasy feeling Luthor straightened, stacking the papers neatly. "Mercy, could I have you step out for a moment."

She very obviously didn't want to but after a moment walked calmly out of the office, closing the door behind her.

"You're here earlier than I expected." Luthor called out standing up from his desk.

"Sometimes I get curious." Nightwing didn't step fully into view. Just enough for Luthor to know he was there.

"I believed Ms. Al Ghul has been reaching out to you has she not?" Luthor feigned nonchalant. He was bad at it.

"Are you wanting me to ignore her?"

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