Chapter 32

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Yassss! Bae won! Now it's time to get my crown.

"Prom queen!......" I smile.







"Brianna Mikell!" What? How? Well.. She has been here longer than me so.. I guess..

Brianna walks to the stage looking flawless as ever. They placed the crown on her head as she cheesed like a kid in a candy shop. Allan grabs her hand & they walk off the stage to the center of the dance floor. My body starts to heat up. Am I? Jealous?... Allan pulled her close & they danced. People started to whisper & look at me which made me even more heated. He holds her tighter & I couldn't keep watching this because of how I felt. I storm out of the gym ripping off my corsage & throwing it on the ground.

I told his ass to tell her. Now she done ran off. She feel like something's up. I see it in her eyes. I walk up to the sickening couple & tap Allan's shoulder.

"Find your girl & confess." He nodded & I grabbed Brianna & start dancing with her as Allan walked off.

"Thank you." She said placing her head on my shoulder.

"No problem Ma."

"Everyone was staring."

"That's because everyone knows. We're not stupid." I replied.

"So you're calling Alex stupid?" She smiled.

"No. Alex isn't stupid. She just has so much love for Allan right now that she's blind." I replied shutting her down.

"I understand." & we continued to dance & let our minds roam with the thoughts of tonight.

I search the hallways for Alex. Nothing. I pass the auditorium & stop, noticing the light. I walk to the stage to a sad Alex. She looked calm as ever but I should still be cautious.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm jealous..." She looked up at me. I felt my heart drop to my balls. I was hurting shawty & she didn't even know.

"Why?" I asked tryna play stupid..

"Seeing you & Bri like that.. It just made me mad as hell.. Y'all looked so good together.. It hurt." I sighed & placed my arm around her shoulder.

"You have nothing to be jealous of baby.. I got eyes for you.. & only you.." It killed me to lie to shawty but I couldn't come clean.. Not yet anyways.

After Prom ~ Jade
Prom was over & we were hungry. Brianna had rented out a limo so we were riding around the city looking for a place to eat. We finally decided to stop at Applebee's we joked & laughed until we were ready to go. Everyone piled back into the limo as we headed to the hotel. It was bout to go down!

We reached the hotel & everyone said their good nights & parted ways. J grabbed my hand as we walked up to our room. He put in the key & unlocked the door. Rose petals were scattered everywhere & there were candles in random places. The window was open blowing in a slight breeze giving the room a chill kind of feel. J wrapped his arms around me from the back & leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"You ready?" He asked me. I practically tackled him to the ground & kissed him all over rubbing my core against his manhood while sucking & nibbling on his neck.

"I'm ready."

Cynthia (Jade's Mom)
I've been in the hospital for a few days now & I'm ready to go home. I can't breathe on my own so they've hooked me up to an oxygen machine of some sort all I can think about is my baby. I miss her so much! She's probably with Jackson getting it in but I don't mind. She's done so much for others she should enjoy herself. I can hear the monitor beeping. Beep.... Beep... Beep....

The doctor is supposed to be coming to give me a report on how I'm doing any minute now. I suddenly heard footsteps near my room. When I looked up to see who it was my heart dropped. Beep.. Beep..Beep..Beep..Beep..Beep..

"Miss me?" Percy said with an evil smirk on his face.

"You bastard. You got me here!" I yelled.

"Shhhhh." He said placing a finger up to his mouth. He walked towards the door & closed it.. locking it in the process.

"We're gonna play a game. You let me get in that tight white pussy of yours one last time & I'll let you live. Hmm sugar?" I was disgusted by what he just said to me. My blood was boiling & adrenaline rushing. I spit on his face.

"Bitch..." He said wiping my saliva from his face. "Wrong answer." He said looking at me. He walked over to the line holding my oxygen & cut it. I slowly felt the air leave my body as a tear slid down my face.

"Mommyyyyy! I got a boo boo." Jade holds out her hand & shows me a small cut on her finger.

"Come on Baby.." I said holding her other hand walking inside the house. I place her on the counter & look through the cabinet for some band aids. Once I find one I wrap it around her finger & kiss it.

"There.. All better.." I smile at her & tap her nose as she giggles.

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too Jade."

______Flashback Over____
Just like that I was letting my Baby go. I was letting life go. I could hear the pauses in the beeps of the monitor. Beep..................Beep..................
I looked up to the ceiling to get a glimpse of Baby Jade.. She giggles..

"I love you Mommy!"

& with my last breath I say..

"I love you too Jade...."


AlexandraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon