Chapter 25 "Anything For A Friend"

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We rushed into the hospital looking for a receptionist or something. As soon as we reach the desk I hear a familiar voice.

"Alex!" Renan yells across the waiting room. Me & him had become close. He was like my Treyvon from home in ATL. I run towards him with Allan on my ass.

"What happened?! Where's Jade? && Jackson! Is she okay?" I yell.

"Calm down. Jade & Jackson are fine. The doctors say that she was raped. Her momma. She real fucked up & Jade don't know what to do. She was all in tears when I saw her."

"Where she at?" I asked irritated. Her daddy always doing some shit & the rape thing hit home for me. How can you do that to ya fucking wife? Then leave her like she was some damn dog! That's foul bruh!

"She..." He looks past me. "Jade!" I see Jade & J walk out from the hallway into the waiting room. She looked like she's been crying for hours. My girl. I rush up to her & hug her.

"Shhh baby shhh. Tell me what happened." She fixed her breathing & tried to speak.

"Me & Jackson left his house this morning & I knew something was up cause she didn't contact me the night before. When we walked in we saw her bleeding on the floor. Unconscious." Tears flooded her eyes as we say down.

"What the doctors say?" I asked her.

"The same shit I already knew. Except for the rape.." Tears began to flood my eyes as Allan watched me if I could crumble at any moment.

"How can he do this to her?!" She yells.

"Some people are just that fucked up.." I say looking at the ground.

"Family of Cynthia Sims?" All of squad stands. Wait... Where's Brianna? Never mind that..

Jade rushes to the doctor with me right behind her as squad followed.

"I'm her daughter." Jade says.

"Well your mother suffered some severe cuts. She lost a lot of blood. We will stitch her up but she still needs blood... One problem." My heart races.

"She O negative. Meaning she can give blood to anyone but can only receive blood from someone with the same blood type."

"Fuck. I'm A positive." She looks around the room as she began to cry once again.

"I'm O negative!" I yell. Her eyes light up as she looks at me.

"Would you mind giving blood ma'am?" The doctor asks me.

"It's not a problem."

"Follow me." I follow the doctor as I suddenly feel two arms snake around my waist. Allan kisses my head & I smile. So protective.

This chapter was all over the place to me.. Ohh well. We nearing the end guys so bare with me!

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