C. 40 - M's POV

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Although it was the last thing I wanted to do this morning, I accepted the call of Katia, who called me crying, and I canceled some business appointments in the afternoon to be able to see her and clarify all the bad evening yesterday. We met in a bar, because I wanted a neutral place, which from a certain point of view would also help me to contain new outbursts of anger, but nothing could have prepared me for the surprise that Katia's words provoked me.

The situation is quite tense between us and for a while a long silence reigns.

M < so?> I encourage her to speak.

K < I just would love to know why you was so mad..> she gives me back the ball.

M < I don't know..> I admit. < maybe it was too much a surprise, I don't know.. it's the last thing I was expecting from you..>

K < don't you think I can be a good mom?> she surprises me with her question and I don't know what to say.

M < I never said that!> I defend myself. < I just didn't believe pregnancy was in your plans.. and I didn't think you was this kind of person...>

K < what do you mean?>

M < you cheat on someone..!>

K < like Carina did?> I stiffen.

M < please, don't talk about her..> Katia raises her hands and nods.

K < indeed I'm not this kind of person... > she says after a while.

M < can you please explain yourself better?> I ask, exhausted by this war game.

K < I didn't cheat on anyone. The dad is called Pierre, he has twenty-five years old and he studies philosophy in Paris...> I wide open my eyes.

M < are you kidding right now?> she laughs.

K < no..!>

M < so, I'm sorry, I don't understand. Do you know who the father is? Why did you tell me a sea of lies?> she sighs.

K < we are not a couple..> I nod.

M < and do you think I would have judged you for that?> I'm confused. Katia looks at me, sighs and then shakes her head.

K < I'm envious of Carina...>

M < why are you talking about Carina?> I interrupt her.

K < I'm explaining to you if you let me speak...> I nod and let her go ahead. < when I met you I immediately understood you are special... I think I loved you in the same exact moment in which I understand you would like to approach me, but you didn't know how to do that.. then I saw you grow up, I saw you change.. you were so unsure and you became expert.. > I grimace and she laughs. < I know this is sound weird to you, but I'm not talking about sex.. you became a person who is able to take care of herself and the others... how much you made me angry when you called me and asked me if I needed money or something, when you should have been the only one to worry about.. then Carina arrived and you changed again.. you became so strong, so independent, so capable of face your fears.. one moment you were dying of fear and then... boom... you were the perfect girlfriend..>

I look at her perplexed by her river of words, because I can't understand where she will end up, but I'm hoping that I will not have to go home to admit to Carina that she was always right about her.

M < Katia, I...>

K < no, don't misunderstand. I'm not trying to say to you that I fall for you. I've just always been so happy that you finally could show the best part of you, the most natural, spontaneous and wonderful part of you to someone.. yeah, maybe I'm a bit envious that you give me just one cent, through the sex, and you give all of you to Carina. But I'm really envious because you are so special that you got Carina back even if nobody would have done it if they were you. Not this way, not with your easiness.. > she takes a moment to breath. < when you broke up, years ago, I felt guilty because I felt relief. Because for a moment I thought that you were destined to misery like me. Then she came back and you got her back without blinking, even if she has a daughter. There, in that moment, I felt lonely. I felt and I wished things that were buried until then...>

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