C. 05

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It's been a week since Maya and I met at the Janiculum and we haven't heard from each other since. I decided to remain firm on my point of view, that is to give her the time she needs, but I cannot deny that I do nothing but think about her and the fact that I really would like to see her again and also as soon as possible. Throughout the week I did nothing but dodge Antonio's questions and also those of my friends and that's exactly what I'm doing even now, at lunch with two of them, Amelia, as well as my colleague at the hospital, and Eleonora, his sister-in-law, who for some time has also become a great friend of mine.

A < so? Will you go out again?> I snort: it's the umpteenth question.

C < but with whom?> they look at each other and laugh.

E < do not tell us that you have already deleted the app?!> I smile.

C < really... yes!>

A < because the first one went very badly does not mean that the others will also go wrong ..>

C < it did not go very badly ..!> I say instinctively and then I bite my tongue. I don't want to hide my interest in Maya, but at the same time I also don't want to put her facts on the streets: her condition is such a private fact that I don't want to share it even with my best friends.

E < so why didn't you see each other again?>

C < because I take crazies shifts?!> I try to defend myself.

A < come on, they are all excuses! You haven't even heard from her anymore, or not?> I'll stay a moment on mine, unsure of what to answer, but then the game of fate comes to my aid at that very moment. My phone rings and it's Maya. I am so surprised that I almost do not answer, then I collect myself and get up from the table.

C < sorry I have to answer!> and I do, as I move towards a slightly more reserved area.

M < hi! Am I bothering you?> I smile like an idiot.

C < not at all! How are you?> I ask.

M < I'm fine and you?> I nod.

C < me too..> and then maybe Maya can listen to a speaker from the hallway of the hospital that invites the number of the next patient to show up at the counter, because she asks me if I'm at work,

M < I'm sorry to call you at work...it's just..> she stops and she doesn't continue.

C < just?>

M < I'm sorry if I didn't call you this week..>

C < you need you time, it's ok, I know...> I simply answer and she nods.

M < and then it's since yesterday that I have my phone in my hands, trying to text you, but everything I wrote it seems so silly...>

C < so you think it's better to call me..> I say.

M < yes!> and then after a moment of doubt she asks. < is it wrong? > I smile.

C < no, I'm glad to hear you ..> she just nods and I smile again, lucky that I can't see myself with my stupid expression.

M < do you want to go out to dinner tonight?> she asks point-blank and I am surprised, so much so that there is a moment of too much silence. < if you don't want to or have something else to do..> she rushes to justify, but I interrupt her.

C < no, sorry, of course I would like! Tell me where and when..>

M < can I come and pick you up, if you want..> she proposed and I accept right away.

C < I send you a message with the address, okay?> she nods and I am amazed at the speed with which with her I have overcome all my paranoia and my limits. Just a week ago I thought that from a dating app you could only expect bad guys and now I give her my home address without batting an eyelid. I smile if I think that before coming to my house, I mean even just under the door after an evening spent together, with the ER doctor took me a month, because I wanted at all costs to maintain my spaces and my privacy.

When I return to the table, Amelia and Eleonora are waiting for me like a child waiting for gifts under the tree at Christmas. They do not ask questions, but are hanging from my lips. I would like to make them feel a little more painful, but I have already entered another loop of paranoia.

C < how do you dress yourself for a second date? > I ask and they burst out laughing, clapping their hands, making me just shake my head for the resignation of having two stupid friends. 

Just me & you (G!P)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя