Chapter 1 - Be Careful Morelli

Start from the beginning

"Wait wait wait, he took out 7 of our best guys and somehow you expect me to walk in there and kill him like it's no big deal? Surely he'll be more than suspicious seeing me there, I'm a Morelli for God's sake"

My Father chuckled as he resumed his relaxed position, leaning back in his leather swivel chair and placing his hands on the table, eyeing me coldly as I knew I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

"Alicia... I know and you know that you're more than capable of taking him down. Plus, he also has no idea you even exist, it'll be beyond easy for you. I've already asked Jisung and Minho to accompany you. I will have other men stand by also, not that you'll need them. Stella will meet you at the club. Now go and get ready, you leave in an hour... I don't expect to be disappointed Alicia"

My eyes widened at the sound of everything, it was a lot, to process all the information and knowing that I would be carrying out this task alone... but he was right. I was more than capable of taking some random guy down.

I mean, how hard can It be?

I grabbed the pictures from the table and looked at them closely as I headed out of the door and into my room. My heart practically racing at the sight.

Holy shit

The enemy is hot.


"Jisung I mean have you seen the guy?"

I once again showed Jisung one of the pictures of Bang Chan, refusing to believe that anyone could actually look that good.

"Liss I've seen the picture 7 times now, yes he's a good looking man, but he's also one of our biggest enemies at the moment. And bitch, I know he's going to fall for you the minute he sees you, just look at you!"

There he goes hyping me up again and being totally right. I looked hot. My plan was to use my good looks to distract Bangchan completely, lure him away from the rest of his group and 'take him out'.

"You'll need to use this, your new I.D. So no one there can track you or trace you back to us. Stella will have your badge ready. All that's left for you to do is to get his attention" Minho spoke for the first time beside me.

I took the I.D from his hand, Lola Lupin.

"Really? The name? So many Ls" he laughed as I smiled. Minho was always so quiet with me. He had a heart of gold yet his face always remained emotionless...until he's alone with Jisung.

"We're here, remember, find Stella. We'll be close by" Jisung spoke as I gave him a quick hug before climbing out of the cab.

The club was crazy busy, a whole queue formed outside. No way was I waiting in that. Game face on I strutted to the front of the queue towards the bouncer.

"Name?" He asked, holding out his board.

"Lola, Lola Lupin" I watched as he scanned through the board until he came to a stop.

"Your names not on here love" I rolled my eyes and went to speak but was quickly interrupted.

"Hey Dan, she's with me, she's the new barmaid" Stella appeared and i was able to breathe again. The bouncer nodded as he let me through.

"Barmaid?" I asked, following Stella to the bar.

"Had to make it legit, put your badge on, take this tray and start going round and collecting the glasses. FYI, he's at the V.I.P. table. You'll wanna get his attention to get promoted up to that spot" she explained as I nodded.

Piece of cake.

I pinned on my name badge, tied my hair up tightly in a messy ponytail and pulled my top a little lower to show off some cleavage, after all most of the customers here were young guys dying to get laid...however I only had one target on my mind.

The night started slow, collecting glasses was boring so in the end I went round handing out shots on the tray, and possibly doing a few myself to boost my confidence, after all this was a huge task. I've killed before, but I've never been the one given the task to personally assisinate someone.

I began to walk towards the v.i.p booth. Noticing a table of guys in front of them who could definitely need livening up, it was my perfect opportunity to get Bang chans eyes on me.

As I approached the table I could now see up into the v.i.p booth, I spotted Bang Chan, the pictures didnt do him enough justice, he was even better looking in person. He was wearing a plain black shirt, paired with a black leather jacket, jeans and a silver chain hung loose around his neck. His hair was a little messy but perfectly framed. He was beyond sexy...and that was putting it lightly.

He was here with a couple of random girls and 2 other guys, both really good looking but still they didn't compare to him.

He wasn't looking in my direction so I knew I had to do something to gain his attention.

"Hey guys, you look like you could use a free shot or two, how about we play a game?"

The guys on the table sat upright. Clearly amused with what I had said.

"Oh yeah? What kind of game?" One asked.

"Truth or dare, except...its just dare"

His friends began to laugh as they all seemed up for it.

"Alright pretty girl, but you have to have a drink with us"

"Say no more" I spoke picking up a shot from the tray and downing it, earning a loud cheer from the boys. That's when I saw him finally looking at me. His eyebrow raised and a small smirk playing on his lips. I smiled briefly as we made eye contact but then turned my attention back to the table in front of me. Had to keep him wanting more.

"You have to go first, and I assume you already have to pick dare right?" Another guy spoke as I nodded.

"Uh huh, so what are you gonna dare me to do?"

They talked amongst themselves for a little while, before coming to a conclusion.

"How about a dance? A lapdance, for all of us"

Could be worse I guess. Plus this was the perfect opportunity to get Bangchans attention.

As if on cue, the music changed to Taste by stray kids, the best song for this scenario as I smirked to myself, realising my plan was falling into place.

I climbed onto the table, and took out my hair band letting my hair down as  I shook my hair slightly to let it fall into place, earning a whistle from one of the guys sat within the group.

Swaying my hips to the music I stepped across to the guy in front of me. He had wavy blonde hair, he was average looking but his face lit up at the sight of me heading his way.

All while dancing I could feel eyes burning on me. I had his attention, but I didn't want to give him the eye contact he so desperately wanted just yet.

Baby baby don't test me oh no

Baby baby don't get me wrong

I lowered myself onto the guys lap, wrapping my arms around his neck as I whispered the song into his ear, grinding into his lap.

I then stood up and headed to the next guy, taking his hand and pulling him up. I then turned around and began to sway my hips again as I got lower. I took this opportunity to look back at Bang Chan. And was I right, his eyes were fixated on me...only me.

I smirked as I carried on singing the song, never breaking eye contact with him.

Just look at me baby day and night

I carried on giving lapdances until the song was over. Earning more cheers and satisfied claps as I left the group of guys all flustered.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Stella stood there grinning holding a tray of drinks.

"Congratulations, Bang Chan requests for you personally to bring him and his friends their drink"

I smirked and looked back over at the table, Chan raised his finger to motion me to come over and I nodded, biting my lip excitedly.


Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now