A War Is Gonna Happen

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Lord Zedd is back. Is what Zayto said before they all morphed to finally defeat Lord Zedd once and for all.

On an Unkown Planet~

 "Zayto did The Morphin Master explained how Lord Zedd escaped?" Aiyon asks Zayto while walking besides him. "They don't know either how he escaped but they're trying to finding out." Zayto explains while kneeling down and starts investigating something on the ground that has blood all over it. "Looks like something bad happened here." Amelia says and picks up the object and starts investigating it too. "Woah is that blood we never saw blood when we fight only destroyed stuff." Izzy says in a disgust tone seeing the blood. 

And suddenly Amelia throw the object onto a tree destroying the object. "Woah why did you do that?" Aiyon says while walking toward the object but got stopped by Amelia. "Don't it started moving even tho I was only holding and then it started making weird noises that freaked me out and made me throw it onto the tree." Amelia explains while moving Aiyon so he doesn't get close to the object. "Something really bad happend here." Javi said in a worried tone.

"And it's gonna get worse." Ollie says and points at the figures behind a big bush. And the Rangers starts sneaking behind some trees to listen to what they were talking about. "Did you get manage enough people to the army." One of the figures asks. "It's Lord Zedd." Ollie signs language to the others. "Yes master." The Monster said while handing something to Lord Zedd. "Good job parasite." Lord Zedd says while looking at the devise. "A war is about to happen and the Rangers won't be able to win this time." Lord Zedd said and starts laughing manically. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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