개년아 난 게이야 (Part 3)

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Translation: Bitch I'm gay

"I-sak!!"Ms. Park shouts. And On-Jo breaks the hug Nam-Ra face being sad for a few second. And On-jo look out the window and look at I-sak. "I-sak!!"On-Jo shouts seeing her best friend alive.

"Are you okay, I-sak!?!"Ms. Park shouts worrying for her student. "Barely!!"I-sak shouts and tries to kick the zombie out of her leg. "There's a literally a zombie hanging on to me so I am not okay!!!!"I-sak shouts. "I-sak!!!"Someone shouts from one of the edges.

And I-sak, look to where the voice come from and saw su-hyeok. "There's a zombie on your leg!!"Su-hyeok shouts. "I know that!!"I-sak shouts. And tries to get rid of the zombie, but fails again. And I-sak, look at Su-hyeok and saw.

"Su-hyeok look up!!!"I-sak shouts. And Su-hyeok look up and saw a zombie looking at him. "Motherfucker."Su-hyeok whisper. . And the zombie jumps, but su-hyeok jump to I-sak and manage to hold on her while the zombie falls.

And Su-hyeok manage to kick the zombie out of I-sak. "Bitch I'm gay so stop holding me."I-sak said. " "Shibal I'm gay too, but I just save your ass from a zombie who was about to bite you. "Su-hyeok said. "yes we all know that you guys are and I'm gay too so get the fuck down here!!!! "Ms. Park shouts loosing her temperature seeing her students almost died. 

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