도와줘 바보들아!!! (Part 2)

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Translation: Yah help me idiots!!!

When they eventually made a rope who Na-yeon last requested. Everyone eventually made down to the room with the help of Ms. Park who was in the room. When Cheong-san and I-sak was last. Cheong-san insist that I-sak should go first.

But I-sak refuses. "Cheong-san just go first Su-hyeok will be sad if he found out his boyfriend is dead when he come back."I-sak said. "But were just friends-"Cheong-San said, but got cut off by the zombies who is climbing through the barricade. "Shibal Cheong-San just hurry the fuck up and climb down!"I-sak shouts at Cheong-San.

"But you promised to come after me, right?"Cheong-San said. "I promise now go go go!"I-sak shouts. And Cheong-San starts to climb down. But the zombies start to come through the barricade.

"Shibal."I-sak said. And I-sak starts to throw things at the zombies who were coming toward her. "I-sak! Come down now!"Dae-su shouts. "But there were no time to climb down while zombies starts to come through the barricade.

"Dae-su catch me!"I-sak shouts. "What!!!"Dae-su shouts. And I-sak jumps through the window with the zombies following after her. And Zombies start to fall.






















"Yah help me idiots!!!"Someone shouts from outside and Ms. Park looks up and saw I-sak alive and holding on the rope while a zombie is holding her feet.

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