Hey kiddo

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"M-may please go."Peter says in pain but May wouldn't listen. And Green Goblin glider was behind Aunt May. And the glider was about to hit Aunt May but someone push her away. And the person who pushed Aunt May away got hit by the glider instead.

"Y/N!!!!!!"Aunt May shouts and runs to Y/N. And Green Goblin let's go of Peter hair and went to his glider. "Peter Peter Peter."Green Goblin says while smirking and he was holding a bomb. And Peter eyes widen.

And Green Goblin throws the bomb to Aunt May and Y/n direction. And Aunt May covers Y/n body and Peter tries to catch the bomb but he missed. And the bomb explodes.

Few moments later~

Peter stands up and starts looking for May and Y/n and he saw May holding Y/n. "M-may."Peter says while walking to them holding a part of his body that is broken. "Peter."May says in relief. "Hey kiddo."Y/n says in pain but hides.

"Y/n are you ok?"Peter asks Y/n while kneeling down. "I'm fine kid I had worse."Y/n says. "Cmon let's get you guys out of here."Peter says and helps Aunt May carry Y/n. "You ok pete?"May asks Peter. "I think I broke my ribs."Peter says like it's normal.

"G-guys I gotta catch my breath."Y/n says and falls but May manage to catch her on time. "H-hey what happened?"May asks. And May search Y/n for injuries and saw her waisrt bleeding badly. "No no no no no"May says. "We'll get you to hospital okay just hang in there."Peter says tearing up a bit.

"Baby please hang in there."May says while holding Y/n hand. "W-what's happening?"Y/n asks May who was crying.

"I-i just gotta catch my breath."Y/n says and stops breathing. "Y/n?"Peter says seeing Y/n not moving. "Y/n y/n please wake up it's just us please wake up."May pleads. And Peter see the police outside.

"Get out of the building or we will shoot!!!"One of them shouts. "It's just it's just us."May keeps saying. And the people outside starts shooting and Peter got hit on the shoulder and Peter looks at the people outside angryly. "Peter!"May shouts seeing her nephew got shot. "Peter, May run!!"Happy shouts from outside. "I'm sorry I'm sorry Y/n."May says and kisses Y/n forehead. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry."Peter says crying. And Peter and May starts leaving.

"I'm sorry"

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