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Request by Blacktan4167 I'm sorry if it the chapter made you uncomfortable

(This is an alternative universe where there are no zombies but the cast still have there attitude)

It was Valentine's Day On-jo was talking to I-sak when I-sak asks who she was gonna ask out.

"Hey on-jo who are you gonna ask out today?"I-sak asked on-jo.

"Not telling."Om-jo said while walking into the cafeteria and she saw Nam-ra "kissing" Suhyeok but what she didn't know was that suhyeok was trying to make Cheongsan jealous and Nam-ra was trying to make on-jo jealous and on-jo was holding her tears.

"Come on tell me."I-sak said but she saw on-jo holding her tears and staring at something so i-sak follow where on-jo was staring and saw Nam-ra and Suhyeok "kissing".

"Is it Nam-ra?"I-sak ask on-jo.

"What?"On-jo said while looking at I-sak still holding her tears.

"Were you gonna ask Nam-ra out?"I-sak asked already knowing the answer because she saw On-jo practicing in the bathroom asking Nam-ra out.

"I gotta go."On-jo said while leaving the cafeteria with a few tears leaving her eyes I-sak feel bad for the girl so she went to Nam-ra.

"Nam-ra."I-sak said with venom in her voice.

"Yes?"Nam-ra asked.

"Can you meet On-jo in the bathroom?"I-sak said.

"Why? Does she want to talk to me?"Nam-ra asked.

"No she doesn't want to talk to you but I feel like she needs you so...... "I-sak said.

"Talk to her in the bathroom."I-sak said.

"Ok." Nam-ra said.

In the girls Bathroom~

"Fuck why did I even think she liked me she's fucking straight of course."On-jo said while crying.

"Hey, Princess."Nam-ra said.

"What are you doing here."On-jo said while trying to hold the tears that were about to come out of her eyes.

"Can't I just see my beautiful Princess."Nam-ra said.

"Why are you calling me Princess."On-jo asked.

Instead of getting an answer Nam-ra closes the door and walks to On-jo.

"W-what are you doing?"On-jo said blushing.

Nam-ra pinned her against the wall and smirked.

"I know you have a crush on me, Princess~"Nam-ra said while smirking.

"W-what h-ho-"On-jk said but got cut off by Nam-ra kissing her.

On-jo kissed her back Nam-ra bites On-jo's lips On-jo moans On-jo was asking for permission but Nam-ra playfully declined On-jo flips Nam-ra making Nam-ra pinned against the wall Nam-ra was surprised by her strength making her mouth open On-jo kissed her again but this time slipping her tongue inside Nam-ra mouth Nam-ra moan.

"P-princess."Nam-ra moaned.

On-jo started kissing her neck leaving a few marks on Nam-ra's neck.

"Ah ah~"Nam-ra moans because On-jo was sucking her neck but then the door opens On-jo and Nam-ra quickly fix themself up and left the bathroom leaving the student paralyzed because the student heard the Moaning.

(Did I menton the student was a Filipino)

"Putangina single talaga ako."Sabi ng student.

While The lovers were getting their food On-jo holds Nam-ra's hands After getting their food they sit down with their friends who were staring at them.

"What?"Nam-ra asked.

"Your neck."Cheongsan said.

"Fuck."Nam-ra said while covering her neck with her hands.

"Wow didn't know you were a bottom."Mi-jin said.

"Wow didn't know you were fucking Ha-ri."Nam-ra said while smirking because she saw the bite mark on Mi-jin's neck.

"Your fucking my sister!?"Wu-jin shouted at Mi-jin.

"For your information your sister is hot."Mi-jin said.

"It's not my fault she's top."Mi-jin said quietly.

"What!?"On-jo yelled making everyone in the cafeteria look at them "sorry."On-jo said and then everyone went back to what there were doing.

"Didn't know you were a bottom."On-jo said.

"Didn't know you can top the prez."Mi-jin said while smirking.

"Shut up guys please." Nam-ra said because she was embarrassed enough.

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