So now you came back?!

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Willa was having a hard time sleeping that night first her pack almost died from fighting the aliens to keep them away for awhile. Second They came back after leaving her for 200 hundred years. "Why why why did you fucking came back."Willa said to herself while hugging her pillow. "It's simple, if They come here in my room, I would just tell to fuck off."Willa said to herself while standing up.

"Ouch, that hurts."Someone said from outside of her window. "Who's there?!"Willa shouts while her eyes are glowing. "Look outside of your window pretty lady."The person said from outside. And Willa looks outside of her window, but with caution.

And it was A-Spen.

(It's the person in the middle)

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(It's the person in the middle)

"Hi."A-Spen said nervously. "Why the fuck are you here!?"Willa shouts to A-Spen. "Baby-"A-Spen said, but got cut off. "Don't fucking call me that!"Willa shouts while going through the window.

"So now you came back?!"Willa shouts. "You fucking left me for hundreds of years!!!"Willa shouts. "W-without an explanation."Willa said, her voice breaking. And Willa starts to cry.

"Please let me explain-"A-Spen tries to explain. "No! You don't get to explain! You had your chance! Hundred of years ago!"Willa shouts. By all the shouts some of the wolves woke up. "B-but you didn't."Willa said crying.

And Willa starts to go to her window. "Because I had to leave!"A-Spen shouts. "M-mom said I had to l-leave because she was afraid i-i was gonna fall in love with you."A-Spen said there voice breaking. "Well, guess what I did!"A-Spen shouts.

"I'm in love with you Willa Lykensen!"A-Spen shouts crying. "I-i was afraid to lose you if I didn't obey my mother, I was afraid she was gonna hurt you when she found out I was already in love you."A-Spen said crying. "Well, too bad."Willa said. "Cause you already did."Willa said and climbs through the windows and close the blinds.

And Willa starts to cry again and goes to her bed and screams into her pillow. "Stupid! Supid! You already lost her!"A-Spen shouts crying while punching. And both of the girls scream out of sadness and pain.

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