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In The Med Bay:

Knockout was busy as usual until the doors opened, and saw Shockwave with Marcy again.

Knockout: Marcy please don't tell me.

Marcy: I am really sorry, but. Aargh.

Knockout: Shockwave put her on the berth.

After about 1, or 2 hours Marcy finally gave birth.

Marcy: Knockout what kind is it

Knockout: you wouldn't believe it. It's a femme.

Marcy couldn't believe her eyes she gave birth to a beautiful baby femme.

Knockout: So whatcha gonna name it.

Marcy: well we thought name, and we went with BlueBlaze

Knockout: that is actually a really good name. You want me to inform your father.

Marcy: yes please

At LeoZack's Base:

LeoZack was busy at getting everything done because of someone who didn't do their job right.

Fellbat: uh, commander

LeoZack: yes. What is it that you can't see that I am busy Fellbat.

Fellbat: yes I do. But I received a message from a medic named Knockout on the Nemesis stating that Marcy gave birth to a femme.

LeoZack quickly froze at the words, and stopped everything, and went to the Nemesis to see his new granddaughter.

On The Nemesis Ship:

Shockwave couldn't take his eyes off his new daughter. He was proud of his wife.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora