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On The Flight Deck:

Steve was on the flight deck patrolling until someone landed on the flight deck.

Steve: halt who goes. Wait, Windblade.

Windblade: Hello Steve. I am here to see Lord Megatron. Anyways, is it true that the war is finally over. And I heard it is because of a kid named Daikon. I would like to see this little guy.

Steve: Yeah sure let me show you the way.

Windblade followed, and was led into the med bay.

Windblade: So this is the little one I heard so much about.

Daikon: Who are you?

Windblade: names Windblade I am the city speaker. Which means I can speak to Titans. I would like to thank you for what you did. For ending the war. Anyways I need to go and speak to Megatron.

Daikon: bye Windy.

Windblade left, and followed Steve to the bridge.

Megatron was in the bridge thinking about things when the doors opened, and that's when he noticed Windblade the City Speaker

Megatron: Ah Windblade. What brings you here

Windblade: Well, I need to speak with you because some Titans aren't happy.

Megatron: oh. They shouldn't be mad at me because I didn't do anything.

Windblade: well. I don't know if it's a message I get from the Titans. But if it's not you then.

Megatron: Starscream. He never seems to amaze me.

In The Berth Room:

Marcy was just sleeping until she knew something was happening.

Marcy: Shockwave.

Shockwave: yes honey what is it.

Marcy: I know it's early, but. Aargh.

Shockwave: it's happening isn't it. Shockwave quickly picked up Marcy, and carried her out of the room, and headed for the med bay.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora