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In Megatron's Quarter's

Daikon: hi, Megsy. Hi Soundy. Whatcha doin

Megatron: Hello Daikon. Just talk about our past and everything.

Daikon: really. I want to know. Because you know.

Megatron chuckled:

Megatron: yes I know.

Daikon: Soundy. Can I ask you a question.

Soundwave: sure. What do you wanna know?

Daikon: Well, how did you meet Laserbeak, and Ravage?

Soundwave chuckled:

Soundwave: well let's see. I first found Laserbeak when I was trying to locate some relics for Megatron. And that's when I ran into bird-like mini cons. And for Ravage. I actually found him as a sparkling like a little baby. But when I found both of them we actually made, and created a stronger bond than you think.

Daikon: cool. I also heard about this from a rumor I don't know if it is true. Is there a place called the shadow zone?

Megatron: Yes there is. But it is not a place that you think. It is more dangerous

Daikon: oh. Then I don't want to know about it. I don't want to be in dangerous places.

Megatron chuckles:

Megatron: I completely understand Daikon. So how's your mom doing?

Daikon: ok. I guess. She actually passed out, and dad took her to Knockey. And from what he said that my baby sister, or brother is taking some of her energy.

Megatron: hm I see.

Daikon: Megsy. Can we go, you know like we did the last time. Please.

Megatron: sigh. Fine. Soundwave lets the others know where I am out.

Soundwave: yes sir.

Megatron bent down, and lifted Daikon up, and carried him to the flight deck. When they reached the flight deck someone had just flown in.

Daikon: grandpa.

LeoZack: Hello grandson. And hello Megatron.

Megatron: LeoZack. I guess you're here to see Marcy.

LeoZack: Indeed I am.

Daikon: grandpa just to let you know mom is fine, but she is in the med bay.

LeoZack: oh. What happened?

Daikon: Mom passed out. But Knockey said that it's the baby taking her energy, and that's why she is passing out.

LeoZack: Okay thanks for letting me know. I will let you get back to what you were doing.

Daikon: come on Megsy. I'll bet u. Daikon quickly transformed, and started racing.

Megatron laughed, and quickly transformed to catch up with Daikon. Daikon was having so much fun, but something was happening. Megatron saw it, and shouted at Daikon.

Megatron: Daikon look out.

Daikon: uh. Aargh. Daikon completely blacked out he was going down fast, and losing control

Megatron sped up faster, and transformed, and caught Daikon before he hit the ground.

Megatron: Daikon.

Comm link Megatron: Soundwave I need you to open a ground bridge to my location, it's Daikon.

Comm link Soundwave: yes my Lord.

Soundwave quickly set the coordinates to Megatron.

Megatron, still holding Daikon, walked through the portal. Finally they made it inside.

Soundwave: my Liege what happened.

Megatron: I. I don't know we were just flying. I saw what was happening, and yelled for Daikon to look out. But it was too late.

Megatron left Soundwave, and ran to the med bay still carrying, and holding Daikon. Megatron looked at Daikon, and he couldn't believe what had happened. But he feels like this is his fault.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang