Choosing to ignore him, you focused on the man in front of you. He barely made a sound, but you saw his lips move in response. You're sure these guards would throw a fit if they knew these half humans named themselves. You're willing to help with this though.

"Ridder then." You pretended to give him the name, "Come along Ridder. We have more to pick."

He glanced at his hand as you let him go. Slowly he nodded as you started walking. Ignoring the shocked looks on the guards and the guide's faces as Ridder followed you. Though it didn't take long for the guide to snap out of his shock and run back in front of you.

"What do you know, even a cute face like yours can calm a beast." The Guide called back, making your roll your eyes. 

You could practically tell Ridder did the same thing. Falling behind several feet, you leaned towards Ridder. 

"If you see anyone you know, let me know. I'll get them out of here." You whispered, earning a side eyed glare from him as he looked down at you.

"Why should I?" He hissed, making you sigh.

"I can't explain now. You're just going to have to trust me, okay?"

He didn't look like he did, but he nodded anyway.

_5 Months later_

"They're back!" Hearing the squeal of a bird hybrid girl, you glanced up from dragging out the last cooler with waters and snacks.

Ridder and several other security guards were returning to the mansion. Things were difficult when you first brought everyone here. None of them trusted you. It took a lot of food, trust, and candy to assure them that you were only helping them. You even showed them that you had no actual interest in owning them, by showing them the little sanctuary you built for half breeds just down the hill from your mansion. It's still on your property, but it prevents anyone else from finding them. It also keeps the lab from finding out you don't' actually make them slaves. Once Ridder and the others were convinced, he and some of them decided to make a security team. Now some of them still live in the mansion with you of their own free will. The security team included.

"Was everything peaceful?" You asked, taking out a bottle of water and tossing it to Ridder.

"As always." He huffed, taking a drink.

Glancing past him, you smirked when you saw some of the half breed girls watching with great interest. You can't say you blame them, but you don't make it that obvious. It's not like Ridder hides that he works out, but he doesn't seem to understand that he and the security team are practically the models of this place.

"Show off." You coughed into your hand, smirking and turning away when he looked at you in confusion.

"Really? No, if I was showing off, I would do this." Blinking in shock as he sat you on the cooler, you screamed when he picked you and the cooler up.

"Ridder, you're going to drop me." You yelled, but still laughed with him and the others.

"As he should." Turning to the voice, you felt your blood freeze at the intruder standing at your back door.

It was the guide from when you bought Ridder and the others. He had his phone pointed at all of you. A disgusted victory smirk on his face. Almost instantly, Ridder put you and the cooler down, gently. Putting you protectively behind him as he growled. You've seen Ridder protective over you, but not like this.

"We expected more from you, (Y/N). Mingling with these beasts as if they're human. Your mother would never let this go." The guide growled, making you glare at him.

"She's not here I am." You snapped, "I paid for them, so I am free to do with them as I want. You have no right coming onto my property, taking pictures without my consent, or to go against the contract."

"We figured you were dead." He shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal, "That dark one there has been known to kill his owners as well. We typically return to retrieve our items. My supervisors are going to love these pictures though. After all, we haven't had a chance to experiment on someone your age, yet. If you want to mingle with these beasts, then you might as well become one yourself. We'll be back for everyone."

Watching him go inside, your eyes widened. You have to stop him and protect the others.

"Ridder, you and the others go evacuate the sanctuary to the very far end of the property. I'll get his phone." You ordered, running inside before he could say anything.

You don't care if you get captured, but you don't want them to go back to that place. Jumping onto the man's back, he fell face first. That should knock him out until you can figure out what to do with him. Snatching his phone from him, you stood.  Deleting the pictures as you walked off. You barely got a foot away when he suddenly grabbed your ankles and tripped you. Climbing on top of you with his hands around your throat. Murder in his eyes as your vision started to go black. 

When a black blur tackled him away, you gasped for air. Coughing and struggling to see what was happening. The largest panther you've ever seen was biting at the man. It didn't kill him though. Instead, it allowed him to lip out the front door. His phone completely forgotten. The panther let out a deafening roar before moving to your side. Allowing you to lean against it to sit up. The man didn't get far down the driveway before a pack of wolves got him. Dragging him, screaming, out of view until his screams went silent. Letting out a relieved breath, you buried your face in the panther's warm fur.

"Thank you." You sighed, feeling it morph against you, before arms wrapped around you tightly.

"What were you thinking, (Y/N)?" Ridder grumbled, "What if he actually took you away? What if...what if they tortured you like they did us. What if I never saw you again?"

"I had to protect you all." You admitted, patting his arm in an attempt to comfort him, "You all have been through enough."

The two of you sat in silence, which felt almost like torture for you. You have to say something. Something to assure him that you're not going to leave him or the others willingly. Turning, you were about to speak, when he pressed a piece of candy to your mouth.

"It's over now." He sighed, sounding like he's relaxing, "you say candy makes things better, so here. We'll share."

Giving him a nervous smile, you tried to ignore your flipping stomach as you bit the candy. Your eyes widening when he kissed you. It was a surprise, but you didn't mind. Actually, you could help but laugh when he started purring.  Pulling away, you didn't expect him to lick his lips with a smirk.

"I think it's tastes better when we share." He admitted, hugging you tighter and making you laugh, "(Y/N), you saved me from that place. Now I want to protect you from everything. Please promise, you'll never put yourself in danger like that when me and the others can handle it. I can't stand the thought of them hurting you like they did us. Please promise me."

Turning in his arms, you hugged him back, "I promise."

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