~Just An Illusion ~

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Welcome to Just An Illusion!

I'm your host an author, Camacan, and I hope you enjoy your time here.

This is my first fanfic, and it was originally published on Quotev on November 28th, 2021. 

I'll give you your warning now: updates are slow. I have a busy life besides fanfiction, and I write and edit fairly long chapters. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is how it is.

With all that aside, prepare yourself to go on this journey, with Y/n as your mark. Keep in mind that Y/n isn't necessarily you, the reader. The point of having the protagonist named Y/n is so that every reader can view them as whoever they want, so everyone has a different experience. 

I use she/her pronouns in this story, but I have plans to make a he/him and a they/them version once I finish the current plotline. For now, sub in whatever pronouns you want.

I hope you enjoy my story, and I hope you stick around for more.

Bon voyage !

Just an Illusion (A Ninjago Reader Insert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя