Only One Can Remain

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Master Chen's Island. The thick fog shielded it from the view of the world, the rocks jutting out, waiting for a ship to make one wrong turn.

The boat seemed at ease in the water. It was as though it knew ever twist and turn of the treacherous bay. The fog slowly began to part, and the island came into view.

The land was lush and green, and the lanterns surrounding the dock illuminated in the darkness of the night. A grand palace stood tall on the island, it's scarlet and emerald walls almost glistening in the light of the lanterns. Along a cobbled pathway stood guards waiting for the ship to dock.

Y/n gazed out at it. It didn't seem like a place for an underground fight tournament. It was more fitting for a long on his throne.

The ship docked and the ramps fell. "Welcome to Master Chen's island", the dark-haired man sneered. "Chen will be glad of your return, Sensei Garmadon."

"Pleasure's all mine Clouse."

The two glared daggers at each other, before Clouse addressed the other guests once again. "If you will be so kind as to follow me, we may begin the ceremony."

Y/n walked across the ramp and onto the island. Several Elemental Masters pushed pat. She scowled, marching up the steps to the palace. She was going to waste no time getting to the truth. She pictured herself grabbing the so-called Master Chen and punching him over and over until he talked. But that plan changed when voices behind her caught her attention.

"Fire will melt her icy heart, just wait."

She glanced behind her and saw the ninja. The red one had let the girl from the boat go past. She flashed Y/n a smile, before joining the crowd gathered by the door.

Y/n realised then that attacking Chen right at the beginning would be no use. It'd give her away, and besides, this Chen guy would be surrounded by guards. Not to mention the fact that the ninja were there for similar reasons, and could very well try and stop her.

As the ninja walked past, Y/n locked eyes with the green ninja. He looked at her quizzically, trying to read her ever move. Something felt off, he thought. Something was...different. Yet so..familiar too. That single glance ended as quickly as it had happened.

"Lloyd? You good?"

"Hm? Oh- yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

"You seemed pretty interested in that person back there. Care to explain?"

"Something about them was...oddly familiar."

"Your probably just imagining it. Come on, we need full focus."

"Yeah. Yeah, your right. Ok"

He gave Cole a light nod, engaging once again in conversation with his father. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling. Who was that person?

The palace doors swung open, and the Elemental Masters walked through a bright corridor into a large circular room. Y/n's eyes scanned the crowd. From what she could tell, everyone seemed much more confident then her. She was the only one hiding her face, and the only one not wearing any special kind of suit. She hunched over anxiously. She felt like she'd been flung into the deep end.

"Why did I even come here?"

The thought caught her off guard. She knew why she came here...didn't she? She'd come to find the truth...right?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a gong, and music coming from a gramophone. "All rise for Master Chen", drawled Clouse.

A man in his late 60s was lowered from the ceiling on a LITERAL FREAKING THRONE, and was set down in front of the fighters. "Welcome to the Tournament of Elements! Now you can all di-." The door slammed shut, startling most of the fighters. "-rect your attention to me!" Chen continued, laughing like a child. "Look at all these Elemental Masters in one room. I see Fire, Earth, Shadow, Speed, even the prophesied Green Saviour. And a former pupil has returned", he finished, casting his gaze over the older man.

Just an Illusion (A Ninjago Reader Insert)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt