The Invitation

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The streets of Ninjago were filled with peace. The city had rebuilt after the cyber invasion, and the attack of the Overlord. Life moved on.

But not everyone would recover so easily.

No one could ever forget the sacrifice of Zane, the first Nindroid. The people were safe, but many would never recover from this loss.

Y/n walked through the streets of the city, passing the memorial. A young guy dressed in red gazed up at it. The statue had become dirty and worn, but remained strong. Y/n paused for a moment. "God help the ninja now", she mumbled. She was tempted to stop and pay her respects, but she was late for work as it was. She glanced back at the statue, and hurried on.

As she walked, her phone went off. The Commissioner, telling her that the latest appeal still had no success, little chance of finding anything. She sighed and turned off her phone. No point dwelling on it now. Just another day of disappointment.

She strolled into the noodle shop, immediately greeted by a strong smell of sushi. "Evening Y/n!", her co-worker called, standing behind the bar. "Is it?" she replied, heading into the kitchen to grab her apron and name tag. Rob followed her in.

"No luck I'm guessing?" She chuckled lightly.

 "What gave me away?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe that charming greeting?" he answered sarcastically, smirking slightly. Y/n sighed. "Sorry. Just... isn't easy. Not saying I ever thought it would be but-"

"Its alright, I get it," Rob interrupted. "No one can blame you." Y/n gave him a sad smile, before grabbing the bottle of disinfectant and rag and went to clean the tables. Rob again followed her out. "Look... I know your tired of hearing this but... I guess what I'm trying to say is-"

"No, I cannot just 'move on', and no, I don't plan too."

"Ok, I know, it's not an easy task, but I mean, are you really just gonna spend life waiting tables at this dump?"

"Well if you've got a better idea then let me know. And I wouldn't go as far to call this a dump. The food isn't all that bad."

"Haven't you got, y'know, a dream? An ambition? Don't you... want more?"

Y/n stopped and turned to face him. "I gave up on dreams a long time ago Rob. You already know my ambition. And.... of course I want more. But how d'you expect the girl with nothing to go further then this?"

Rob sighed. "Maybe you've got nothing now, but that can change. What if you made your own family? I mean, not to be rude, but... They're not coming back Y/n."

Y/n froze up for a second, but shook it off. "I accepted that years ago." She paused, and went back to cleaning. "I just want to know what happened to them.'

"But what if that never comes? Hm?" Y/n stopped again. She always avoided thinking about that. "Look, for all you know, an opportunity could walk right through the door -"

The door rattled, and a teen dressed in green entered and sat down, seemingly waiting for someone. Y/n snapped out of her trance and hurried back into the kitchen. Rob groaned, and took up his post at the bar again.

Minutes later, two more guys, one in blue, the other in black, came into the restaurant, arguing. "Why'd you have to come to the exact same restaurant as me, huh?" the blue one snapped. "Well Zap-trap, I have every right to eat where I like!' the other shot back.

 "Oho, typical, coming to fill your stomach huh? Well I'll have you know, I'm here to meet-". He looked up and spotted the blond guy waving them both over. The two glared at each other, and went to join him.

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