🖤🐉Male Master Reader X Yandere Jeanne d'Arc Alter | A Dragon Witch's Dark Love

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When Y/N made it to the cafeteria, it was already crowded with servants and employees hanging out and eating their breakfast.

This atmosphere here made the Dark Master sneer. It feels...wrong.

" Fuck this."

Y/N mumbled, walking away, not noticing Ruler - Jeanne d'Arc, look at him in worry when he passed her.

" Master?" Instead of keeping het mouth shut, she called out.

" Yes, Ruler?" Y/N stopped and asked, not turning around.

The Ruler gulped down something. Now she has his attention, she doesn't know what to say. It's like...facing a sleeping Dragon whenever she talked with Y/N. One wrong move and he'll ignore her.

Being the last righteous Servant on Y/N's team, Jeanne stood confident and said what was on her mind.

" Are you okay, Master?" she asked, walking to him.

Even now... It feels like they're so far apart. Y/N is a Master...


A Human she has come to...like. She was his first servant since the start of Grand Order. So he and she do have a long history. A history of her the Saint pulling her best friend, possible lover(if she ever asked), out of the Abyss.

However... Going by his face and hair lately, it seems she was too late...

" I'm perfectly fine Ruler." He turned around and said.

The smile on his face made Jeanne frown. It looks so...wrong. It's too perfectly crafted. It's too inhuman.

" Are you, Y/N?" she asked, taking his extremely cold and rough hands in her incredibly warm soft ones.

The smile on Ruler's face made Y/N twitch. That face... That face doesn't make those expressions.

Jalter doesn't make those expressions.

" What do you think Jeanne?" Y/N said, unknowingly saying her name. A name he hasn't said in a long time.

An extremely long time...

" I think you need to rest up Y/N." she moved closer, smelling...smelling Jalter's scent on him. A scent that made the Ruler's face twitch, but she got closer anyway.

" I... I can't do that."

As Jeanne was gonna say something, a soft female voice spoke out behind her.

" Great Führer... We have an urgent matter to attend to." The humans behind them saluted Y/N and said In an even tone.

" See Ruler?" Y/N broke away from the hug the Saint was trying to pull him into," I can't rest."

Jeanne frowned upon hearing her servant's title and not her name. She frowned harder, turned around, and glared holes into the black and red dressed human, wearing what seems to be army clothing and a hat. A WW2 German uniform.

Breaking her out of her thoughts Y/N patted her head and his retreating voice. A voice that sounded...sad.

" Thank you for everything Jeanne d'Arc. If Fate allows it, may we meet again."

That... Why does he sound like he's leaving?

Jeanne didn't know when, but tears dropped from her eyes, as a memory played out before her.

" Master, why do you fight so hard?" she heard herself ask.

" Because I wanna see my family." A much happier Y/N said with that carefree smile of his. A smile she can't see anymore.

" Then I will help you, Master."

" If you are, please call me Y/N."

" Only if you call me - Jeanne."

She cried.

The Saint of Orleans - Jeanne d'Arc, cried.

For she a - Saint couldn't save the most important person In the world...

She failed him. She is a failure of a Saint.

" Jeanne?!"

Even the servant's voices didn't break her out of the Void she found herself in.

Surrounding her are happy moments and memories of her and Y/N. A person she can't...see anymore. That person died when he killed the Demon God Goetia and the Lostbelt King Morgan. He died and she will never see or talk to him anymore.

" Y/N... Y/N... Please come back to me... I need you... Please..." she cried and begged. She begged and begged. She prayed, but God didn't answer her. No one answered her.

She was...alone.


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