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asylum part two + last part
name: elena

elenas pov

it is now two days after my last session with billie, i'm here again as i said. i'm sitting in my seat across the table from her and you could say we're having a staring contest at this point.

she's staring at me with a little amused smirk while i am staring back at her, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of me looking away first.

her smirk widens and she leans forward, making my heart speed up it's pace. she tilts her head at me and winks, making my face heat up. she chuckles as i break and look away.

"i win" she tells me licking her lips absentmindedly

i raise my brow "i didn't now it was a game" i say even though we both know it was

"okay elena" she scoffs playfully

i giggle and change the subject "did you write in that journal i gave you?"

she nods and places it on the table, placing her hand on top of it. she hesitates for a second before taking a deep breath and sliding it over to me. i grab it from off the table and set it aside and her eyebrows furrow.

"you're not going to read it?" she asks confused

"yeah i will" i smile "just not right now, reading it now in front of you is going to make you nervous so i am going to read it when i leave and we can discuss it in our next session" i explain and she nods

"so" she starts "what are we doing today then?"

"i wanna talk about you billie?" i cross my legs

"what about me?" she smirks raising a single brow teasingly

i roll my eyes playfully "don't get ahead of yourself billie" i smile

"oh i want to get ahead of myself though" she insinuates leaning forward again

i lean forward too, our faces being mere inches apart, looking between her eyes and lips and smile.

"careful dr. hastings" she chuckles "you're dealing with a psycho right now" she jokes

"i think i can take care of myself" i get closer to her face grazing our lips against each other and leaning back in my seat

she is left in her spot shocked and intrigued, backing into her seat as well. she shakes her a head a little and licks her lips, biting them after. she was dazed into her own little world, thinking of who knows what.

"billie" i snap her out of her thoughts and she looks at me with her brows raised in question

"tell me about yourself? how's your relationship with your family?" i ask and she sulks in her seat

"i'd rather not talk about that" she rolls her eyes picking her nails

"we have to" i say "so tell me, do you have any siblings?"

"not anymore" she says looking up at me with her cold stare

"what do you mean 'not anymore'?" i knit my brows in confusion

"i had a brother, his name was finneas" she trails off looking everywhere but me and lets out a huge breath

"he was my best friend" she continued "but i killed him" she finished looking down

i was shocked, i kept my composure but the shock i had was unreal. i had so many questions.

"why did you kill him?" i asked calmly trying not to be too hasty

she went quiet, reflecting back on her memories, that i suppose she was trying to think of. she finally looked at me and spoke.

"i had a manic episode" she replied "i was angry and he was pissing me off, then eventually i pushed him too hard and he fell back, hitting his head on the corner of a table" she explained as she zoned into what she was saying

when she was done talking a tear left her eye, trailing it's way down her cheek. she then snapped out of her daze and quickly wiped the tear, as if she didn't want me to see it. but i saw it.

"billie you didn't kill him, that seems to me like it was a accident" i say soft and sincere

"yeah i thought so too" she said "but my parents blamed me for it, always being up my ass about how i killed their son and took away the only thing they loved" she spat getting a bit angry

i put my hand in hers, her tensing up at the action but soon calmed and let me. she interlocked her fingers with mine and held my hand. she looked up at me and smiled a little, sending one to my face as well.

"you are not to blame for finneas' death" i say assuringly "it was a accident, that's it. an accident." i shrug trying to make her feel better

"and as for your parents, many people grieve in anger so i'm sure they didn't mean what they said" i continue "i'm sure they know it isn't your fault"

billie stays still, staring into space. trying to process my words, i can see it in her face. after a couple minutes her looks up to meet my eyes again, a smile creeping onto her face.

"i like you elena" she sweetly says making my heart skip a beat

i try to keep myself composed "i like you too billie" i smile as her widens so big her cheeks could hurt

"hey wanna do me a favor?" billie asks me

"and what is that?" i raise my eyebrow intrigued

"wanna help me get out of this place?" she smirks mischievously

i think for a moment, processing the question she just asked me. i could get in so much trouble, i could lose my job, even go to jail.

but the smirk on her face sends chills through my body, making me cave. so the only thing i could say was...


{ imagines; billie eilish }Where stories live. Discover now