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name: tate

it's saturday night and i finally have free time, i decide on going out and treating myself to a few cocktails.

i start getting ready, doing my hair in wavy curls, doing my makeup, and slipping on my favorite dress. its satin black, with a haltered neck, and a big open back. it's looser on my waist but still hugs me in the right places.

i slip on my heels while grabbing a clutch, putting my necessities inside. i then turn everything off in my house, grab my keys, and walk out the door.

i sit at the bar, crossing my legs before the bartender comes over.

"what can i get for you?" he asks leaning on the bar in front of me draping his rag over his shoulder

"a manhattan please" i say with a smile and he nods before walking away, starting to make my drink

i watch as he makes it before a woman sits next to me, gaining my attention. she's looks over at me, meeting my eyes and gives me a small smile.

she's very attractive

i smile back before getting handed my drink and he asks the girl next to me what she would like. i turn to look at her as well, wanting to her what she sounds like.

"i'll have a cosmopolitan" she says in a deeper yet sweet voice sending the bartender away to make it

i take a sip of my drink and she turns to me "nice to see a new pretty face around here" she looks at me with a smirk and kind eyes

i turn to look at her and take in her appearance. she has black hair with bangs, amazing eyebrows with a few stray hairs on her left one, gorgeous ocean blue eyes, a cute button nose, and perfect plump pink lips. she was breathtaking...

i do a little giggle taking a sip of my drink, looking at her and say "likewise" before i pull a small smirk of my own

she then smiles showing her dimples "what's your name beautiful?" she asks taking a sip of her drink

"tate" i simply say "what's yours?"

she looks taken back a bit "what?" i ask with a laugh

"nothing" she sighs "i've just never met anyone that didn't already know who i am" she confesses

"interesting" i say with a smirk "why don't i get to know you then"

"what do you wanna know?" she asks me

"well first, your name" i say with a light laugh

she thinks for a moment and smirks "just call me eilish for now" she says taking a sip of her drink making eye contact with me

"alright" i say "eilish" i rasp out with a small smirk

"what do you do?" i ask her

"music" she simply says with a simple smile "i sing, which is what i'm known for so that's why i'm surprised you didn't know who i was" she says

"damn" i breathe out "she's gorgeous and she can sing. whoever sweeps you up or already has is a lucky person" i kiss my teeth shaking my head a bit

"i'm not with anyone" she speaks

i turn and look at her with a raised brow and she smiles back at me. that alone made want to fold right then and there.

"well" i say feeling bold, getting closer to her "that's a good thing for me" i say with a wink resting my hand on her thigh

my actions make her breath hitch causing me to smirk. i rub her thigh with my thumb and smile at her and she reciprocates it back. she then lays her left hand on mine, causing me too look down and see her tattoo.

i bring it up to my face closer "this is cute, is there a meaning?"

"yeah" she smiles looking at it "it's really cheesy though" she says scrunching her nose

"tell me" i plead looking into her gorgeous blue eyes

"they're from my favorite childhood book" she smiles "they're like my little guardian angel fairies" she gushes

my heart melted

i jut my lip out a little in a pout "that's adorable"

i grab my drink "do you have any more?" i ask taking a drink

"yeah but you'd have to see me naked to see them" she says nonchalantly with a wink staring into my eyes

i had almost.. almost choked on my drink, but thankfully, i let the alcohol slide down my throat before setting it down and staring at her with a certain look.

"i'd be up to that challenge" i rasp sliding my hand slowly up her thigh

her eyes go from mine, to her thigh, then back up at my eyes. she then leans forward, her face getting closer to mine.

"i'd be happy to take you up on that" she says whispering in my ear

i clench my legs together, shifting in my seat as she backs away from me with a smirk. she then calls over the bartender.

"can we have the check?" she gestures between us

he nods and says a simple 'of course' before walking away. he comes back bringing a single check that had both of our drinks and she hands him her card. he then walks away and i face her.

"i can pay for my own drink eilish" i say taking the final sip of my drink

she finished hers off and says "oh i'm sure you can, but it's my pleasure" she smiles showing her dimple and i cave, smiling back

she gets her card back, grabs my hand and we walk out of the bar. she then pulls out her keys which unlocked a matte black challenger.

damn that's sexy

she walks in front of me and opens the passenger side door for me and i step in. she goes around and then eventually gets in herself. she starts the car and the engine rumble got me excited.

"my names billie" she looks over at me with a smile

"billie" i say taking it in "i like that, it suits you" i smile sweetly

"thank you angel" she tells me making me blush

she then places her hand of my thigh and pulls out of  the parking space before looking at me

"my house or yours?" she rasps giving me 'the look' causing me to clench my legs again

oh boy

{ imagines; billie eilish }Where stories live. Discover now