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name: elena

DOB: 12/18/2001
AGE: 20

i read over the patients file while walking down the long hallway, being escorted by a security guard. we reach the room and i close it, waiting for the guard to open it. i then read the words painted in the door


i take a deep breath before turning my head towards the guard and nodding my head. he gives a signal and the door audibly unlocks, he opens the door for me and i step in.

"good luck" he tells me

he then closes the door, locking it back and i turn forward. i walk to the table where she sat, handcuffed to the table. i set down her file and my notepad, taking a seat across the table from her.

the room was silent and empty. she sat there absentmindedly, staring at the wall. i cross my legs and prepare myself to speak to her.

"i'm dr. elena hastings" i say before looking back at her and she's still in the same position

"billie" i say

she side-eyes me, turning her head to face me as her eyes never leave mine. her stare was cold and emotionless, almost sending chills to my body and making me shiver. but i can't allow her to affect me, it's a mechanism you have to learn to be the kind of doctor i am.

"how are you feeling today?" i ask tilting my head to the side and she does the same, mocking me

"peachy" she smiles sarcastically

i write down in my notes before turning back to look up at her, seeing her look up at me. she was watching me write.

"how are the voices billie?" i ask

"how do you know about my voices" she immediately asks after i finish my question

"your file" i tap it on the table "i know everything about you from your file"

"everything?" she asks and i nod

"that's not fair" she pouts in a baby voice

"what's not fair billie?" i ask her, my brows knit together in confusion

she stays quiet, playing with the chains of the cuffs. she whispers things under her breathe for a few seconds, lifting her head to look at me with a smirk.

"it's not fair" her smile gets bigger "you know everything about me and i know nothing about you"

"well it's my job to know everything about my patient" i smile "besides we're here to discuss you and not me"

she groans out loud, slumping into her seat "god" she groans again

she then perks up "just one question?" she hold up one finger with a sneaky smile

"fine" i give in "shoot" i look at her with a smile

"if i wasn't in here" she trails off thinking "would you fuck me?" she bites her lip

she stares at me teasingly as she bites her lip, making me squeeze my legs together.

"billie" i deadpan "i'm not answering tha-"

"you totally would" she interrupts me with a cheeky grin

"no" i say trying not the lose my composure

she leans forward towards me "it's okay elena" she whispers "i would gladly fuck you in a heartbeat" she smiles

i shift in my seat as she stares me down, biting the corner of her lip. she then out of nowhere starts laughing maniacally, concerning me a little.

"billie" i hit the table to draw her attention back to me

she immediately snaps out of it staring back at me, sending me the same cold stare as earlier. i write down in my notes again, looking back up at her.

she was staring at the wall again, i ponder my next move. i then decided to try something.

"billie" i say softly

she snaps her head towards me, like i brought her out of a daze. i tap my finger on the table, looking at her.

"how are the voices?" i ask her

"horrible" she huffs "they won't shut the fuck up"

she was talking and acting completely normal, which i jotted down in my notes. i then proceeded to ask more questions.

"what do they talk about?" i ease my question

she looks up at me, like she is scared to tell me. she then puts her head down, her head jerking up and down as it's tilted downward. she was having tics.

i get up coming around the table, holding her head so she doesn't bang it on the table. soon after a while, her tics died down and she leans her head into my arms. she looked exhausted and i feel incredibly bad.

i look down at her "are you okay billie?" i ask sincerely

she nods, not saying anything and lifts her head. she sits up normally and i go back to my chair on the other side of the table.

"i want to help you billie" i sigh "but you are going to have to be more open with me for this to work"

she stays silent for a second "okay" she whispers

i nod writing some things in my notes, i then close them.

"i think this concludes todays session" i say with a sigh "if you want you can journal in this to help express your emotions and the voices" i place a notebook in front of her

"okay" she smiles "when will i see you again?"

"in two days" i say "write out your thoughts, it's good therapy on its own" i raise a brow at her and she nods

"bye billie" i wave

"bye elena" she says smirking back at me giving me a little wave with her index and middle fingers tauntingly

i then smile and exit her chamber

billies pov


elena is pretty
elena is nice
elena is cool

elena is mine.

i then laugh hysterically, feeling myself go into a manic episode.

"they like elena" i say quietly to myself feeling giddy

{ imagines; billie eilish }Where stories live. Discover now