her ex

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name: aspen
trigger warning: mattress

tonight was the night of the oscar's, billie was so excited as well as the rest of us. she had gotten nominated for "best animated feature film" for "a love letter to los angeles". she's been ecstatic all night, she loves award ceremonies and shows.

"oh my god baby i'm so excited for the ceremony" billie cheered cupping my face with her hands

"i know bil, i'm so happy for you" i smile

"i don't know if i've won yet, don't get too excited" she giggles

"i know you'll win" i say giving her a sweet kiss

we arrive at the oscar's venue seeing many people standing around chatting in the dim light of the room. billie and my arms were linked as claudia, finneas, maggie, and patrick trailed all behind us.

we found our seats sitting down, the award show was about to start any second. i look over at billie staring out into nothing pondering about something, her eyebrow twitching because of a tic.

"you okay my love" i ask her rubbing her thigh soothingly

she looks at me pulled out of her daze, she puts on a lazy smile.

"i'm fine" she pauses thinking "just a bit of anxiety"
she tries to assure me

i know she's lying, i've been with her for 3 years. i know billie and i know when she isn't telling the truth. i then let out a huge sigh, turning my whole body towards her.

"what's actually wrong bil, i know it isn't anxiety" i say softly "you've already gotten an oscar before" i laugh trying to lighten the mood

she takes a breath before turning her head behind her, quickly taking a glance then turning back to me.

"matthew is here" she says "he keeps eyeing me" she says in a uncomfortable tone

i look beside her and see him four seats from us.  i see him already staring at billie, making me clench my jaw. i then turn back to billie, seeing her already looking at me.

"it's fine" i say "just ignore him"

i grab billies hand, placing our hands on her thigh. i can't believe he's here. the awards started and we got excited.

"and the academy award for best animated feature film is" the man trails off opening the envelope

billie squeezes my hand with anticipation

"billie eilish!" he chants as the whole room bursts with clapping

"oh my god baby you won!" i exclaim pulling a shocked billie into my embrace

she gains her composure hugging everybody else. i see matthew clapping slowly staring me down with a glare. i return the stare before rolling my eyes and billie comes up to me and gives me a big kiss before walking up to the stage.

she takes the award going up to the microphone, still in shock. she clears her throat before staring at the trophy before speaking.

"oh my gosh, this is absolutely crazy" she rambled "i would like to thank my team, my parents, my brother finneas, and disney for this amazing award" she then makes eye contact with me smiling so big "i also have a huge thank you to my beautiful girlfriend aspen, i couldn't do anything without her encouragement, thank you" she finishes with a single tear scaling her eye smiling

everyone claps standing up again, she walks up to me and gives me a kiss. passion and love filling it making me smile. we pull away and smile brightly at each other.

"i love you" billie says softly "i couldn't do this without you"

"i love you bil, you surprise me every second" i admit

we were now at the oscar after-party, we were celebrating and socializing. me and bil were in a booth on our own with finneas and claudia.

"i'm going to make you the biggest pop star in the world" i mock finneas catching their attention

"what?" billie laughs

"finneas told you that as a joke, but actually did it" i say a tear falling from my eye from joy

"baby" billie cooed bringing me into a hug while billie and finneas watched in awe.

"she really is amazing isn't she" a deeper voice said

we all turn our heads, all of our faces resting by now. he clears his throat trying to ease the tension. i then look at billie seeing her uncomfortable as fuck so i stand up, her eyes following my every move.

i walk over to matthew, standing three feet from him. he looks at me with a raised brow while i glare the shit out of him.

"what the fuck is wrong with you" i growl anger filling me "you stare at MY girlfriend all night, making her uncomfortable as fuck, make ME uncomfortable because you're staring me down when she kissed me, and then have THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO COME UP TO US AND MESS WITH HER!!" i progress into a shout

"what's a little messing with gonna do" she shrugs with an evil smirk

"oh i'll show you-" i start walking up to him but claudia and finneas pull me back

"get the hell out of here dude" finneas says with stern

matthew then leaves, i wish i had gotten to beat the shit out of him. bille pulls me down beside her, cupping my face.

"you okay" she asks softly

"no" i say "i hate that guy" i huff bringing my arms around her waist protectively

"i do too" she sighs "i dated him" she says with a face of disgust

i laugh behind my face in her neck placing a kiss on it. we enjoy the rest of the after-party before leaving, deciding it was time after that encounter. even though the night went into shit a little, my talented amazing girlfriend got to go home with her second oscar and i couldn't be more proud.

{ imagines; billie eilish }Where stories live. Discover now