"Yeah, it's great. I mean, I'm happy for the opportunities."

Scripted. "Come on Haz," The old nickname rolled off his tongue easily. "It-uh, It seems like a lot. N-not saying you can't handle it, or course you can, but I-uh," Louis cleared his throat, catching Harry's lips twitch upwards. "You can talk to me, you know. If you want to. We are still friends, right?"

Louis watched as Harry let out a breathy chuckle, rubbing his nose while a small blush covered his cheeks. He gave a small nod. "Thank you, Lou. I appreciate that."

They fell into a conversation pretty easily after that. It was nice, they both could admit, to catch up and talk as if those painful gap years hadn't even happened. Just like old times, Louis remembered thinking. And then the next thing he knew, a couple hours had passed.

"Oh, shit," Harry laughed, standing up from the barstool next to Louis. "It's late. I should be getting home."

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Louis stood as well. "Oh, don't worry about those, I'll wash them later." He shrugged when the other moved to grab an empty mug.

It felt so good to be around Harry again. The man was the same, despite the obvious physical changes. He was his kind, courageous and genuine self.

He was still the boy Louis fell in love with.

So walking Harry out the door definitely brought up some indifferent feelings. From the many times they parted before. There was a pause when they reached the threshold, both staring into one another's eyes. Before either knew it, they were leaning in, and Louis could feel it against his own lips. The warmth of Harry's breath. Desire churned in his stomach.

"I want you back." The words spilled from his mouth before Louis could stop them.

And he could feel his heart drop with the way Harry's breath hitched.

"I, uh, I have a girlfriend."

The words burned in Louis's chest and his throat started to burn. Of course. What had he been thinking? Just because they had a good night together, he thought they could just kiss and make up? That something like tonight could just fix what had happened seven years ago? What the fuck was he thinking?

Louis pulled away, taking a deep breath while trying not to sound too upset. "Oh." He whispered, face flushing with embarrassment.

"Yeah, um, it's Olivia. We've been together for awhile."

Well, shit. That was like another punch in the gut. But who was he to feel like that? To think him and Harry could just forgive and forget and just be happy together again. Stupid.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Of course. Um, I'm sorry." Louis murmured with a wince, pushing himself farther away from the man. He held the front door open, looking at the floor. He couldn't stand to look up and have Harry see the tears forming in his eyes. "Drive safe, Haz. I'll- uh, I'll see you around. Good luck with everything."

He could feel Harry's stare, but only for a moment before the man whispered.

"See you around, Louis."


Harry sighed as he started his car and began the drive home. He had a sense of... accomplishment almost, settling itself in his chest. Seeing the hurt in Louis's eyes felt almost as good as it did bad. He'd been waiting for this moment for awhile.

When Louis broke up with him seven years ago, he was hurt. So heartbroken, Harry couldn't remember a night for weeks he didn't cry himself to sleep. However, soon enough those feelings turned into anger. Anger towards Louis for not giving him a better reason for leaving him. It was like out of no where that his best friend and boyfriend had just dumped him. 

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