Chapter 11 - Together Again (part I)

Start from the beginning

"Well, I want to find that ursa major that killed uncle Grogar back then. It's sort of my way of honoring his memory. On that note, I wanted to ask you actually...would you care to come along and help me kill it? Of course, you don't have to. Feel free to say "no," really."

"Would I?!" Trix clenched her fist and grinned. "I've been dreaming of it ever since the day that damn thing took my husband's leg! I say let's find that stupid bear and teach it a lesson!"

"So you will help me?!" the girl was pleasantly surprised. She was sure the fairy would decline this right off the bat.

"Of course I will! I want to get my revenge too! Let me just get clearance from the fairy queen and I will meet you right here in a day or two."

"How will you get clearance from the fairy queen?" Velvet looked puzzled. "What will you even tell her? Didn't you say you can only go out when gathering resources?"

"Don't worry, about that! I will make something up! We are pretty tight, the queen and me."

"You're friends with your queen?" this surprised the girl even more.

"Eh, I wouldn't call it friends," Trix waved her hand. "It's more like, a mutually beneficial relationship really. I do things for her, she lets me do what I want. Of course, I still have to obey the most basic rules, like not making contact with other races and stuff."

"But you just did that with me..." Velvet laughed. "Are you sure this is alright?"

"Relaaax, it will be fine! She will never find out anyway!"

Saying this, Trix flapped her wings that reflected the light of the moon beautifully and flew up above her. "Well, I better get ready then! We can talk more on the way! See you soon!"

The young witch watched as she disappeared between the trees of the forest. She kept staring at the moon and the stars for a while, not being bothered by the multitude of strange and eerie noises around her. She was used to it by now. In the Kamatayan forest, you are never alone.


Right the next day, the fairy returned as promised, donning her usual attire and trusted hat.

"Well, let's go slay this thing!" she exclaimed happily with a wide smirk. "Lead the way, my trusted hooman companion!"

Velvet took apart the tent she had set up, picked up her things and they were off searching for their nemesis—the elusive ursa major. They travelled for days, Trix telling the girl her classic jokes that made them both topple over in laughter and made their journey feel much shorter than it actually was. Finally, they came across a trail.

"This is an ursa paw print!" the fairy said, standing in a large print that swallowed her whole.

"Indeed!" Velvet's eyes sparked with excitement at their find. "You think it's the one?"

"There's not a lot of ursa's running around, really," Trix replied. "Ursa's in general are pretty rare, but ursa majors even more so! There's probably less than fifty in the entire forest! I can tell you that that was the first time any of us fairies ran into one in years! Just my luck..."

"Then there's a good chance this is the one we are looking for or it will at least lead us to it!"

"Yup! We're in luck!" her little friend exclaimed. "Now let's go kick some ursa butt!"

Sure enough, not far away from where they found the paw print, a giant bear-like creature was sniffing around in a small clearing, munching on some berries that Velvet could have sworn uncle Grogar said were lethal if eaten. To the ursa, they seemed like a nice thing to snack on, though. The human and the fairy peeked out from the bushes.

"So, what's our plan of attack here?" the smaller of the two asked.

"I will blast it as hard as I can with my magic," the young witch said. "Then you follow up and blast it as hard as you can with your magic. Then we keep blasting it until it's dead!"

Trix only looked at her for a while with a surprised expression. Then a wild grin painted itself across her tiny face. She gave Velvet a thumbs up. "I like it! That's a good plan!"

"Thanks! I like it too." Velvet couldn't help but chuckle to herself thinking about what Arianna would say if she were here right now. She would probably be holding her head telling them how utterly insane and stupid this idea is and that they need a proper plan. But Trix wasn't like that at all. She seemed to be the type of person who would just charge in and figure things out as the events unfold—just like Velvet.

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