chase two girls, lose the one

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Age: 18

Sat in the car as heavy rain hit the roof and I cried my eyes out was not how I was expecting my night to end. The first person I ever let myself fall in love with, broke my heart into a million pieces and I can't even hate her for it.

We had been together since freshman year and couple of weeks ago on a date night, Sophie told me that she kissed somebody else. I didn't know how to react at the time, so I left her at the restaurant and took an Uber home without saying a word.
Now I can see that it probably wasn't the right way to handle it, but at the time I didn't know what to do.

Two days later I finally worked up the courage to speak to her again and after a very long conversation, we both decided to work through it and she promised me that it would never happen again. But it did. This time I found out on my own by walking into Sophie's room to see her head between another girls legs.

After that everything was a blur. I just remember yelling. Although, yes, I was angry, the whole reason I was yelling was so I wouldn't completely break down in front of her and the other girl.

Whilst I probably should hate her for what I found her doing earlier tonight, I can't. So many emotions are running through my mind but I still want her back. I wish I hadn't told her that we were done. But I know I had to, because it would've kept happening and I would only have ended up hurt again.

It's currently eleven p.m and after hours of driving around the city, I finally came home, but still have been sitting in the driveway for the last half an hour. The only thing that motivates me to pull myself together and to go inside is the fact that I desperately need to use the toilet. So, begrudgingly I pull myself out of the car and run to the front door, trying to avoid getting absolutely soaked by the rain.

It's late, so I assume everyone is asleep, but of course the dogs go off the moment I open the front door. I try to get them to quieten down by kneeling down and greeting them because I don't want to wake anybody up, but it doesn't work. A few moments later my mom comes down the stairs, rubbing her eyes, clearing been sleeping. "Y/N? What are you doing home, I thought you were staying at Soph's?" She questions, half asleep.

I don't make eye contact with her, only shake my head and stand up before making my way into the guest bathroom. It's closest and means I don't have to walk past my mom, which I know she won't let happen without an explanation.

"Honey, have you been crying?" She asks as I close the bathroom door. She knocks only a second later. "I'm okay, Mom. I don't want to talk," I tell her as I see my state in the mirror. No wonder she knew I'd been crying. Mascara is literally all down my cheeks and my hair looks like it had been through it.

Mom didn't answer me so I hoped that she'd walked away, but after washing my hands and splashing my face I walk out of the bathroom to see her tiredly leant up against the wall with her arms crossed and her eyebrows slightly drawn together.

"Are you okay?" She asks softly, concern lacing her tone.

I swallow and bite the inside of my cheek. "We broke up," I choke, shrugging my shoulders slightly. "What? What happened?"
The shock in her face doesn't surprise me. I didn't tell her that Sophie kissed someone else, or that we've been having problems. Typical of me, I chose to not talk about it and push it under the surface, pretending it didn't happen.

"She umm...she cheated on me. Twice," I tell her, the tears falling down my cheeks again. I see fury in Mom's eyes for a moment before they soften and she walks over to me. Her warm hands cup my cheeks, her thumbs wiping the tears that don't seem to stop coming, before engulfing me in a hug. "I am so, so sorry my sweet girl," she whispers as I break down in her arms.

Minutes pass as we remain in the same place. I didn't know I could hurt this much.

Finally, I pull myself away and wipe my eyes. "What can I do?" Mom questions. "Can you punch her in the face?" I chuckle dryly. "Preferably something that won't put me in prison for assault," she tilts her head with a smile. I shrug, "I don't know."

She ponders for a minute before taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen. Going into the freezer, she takes out two tubs of my favourite ice cream before getting out a couple of spoons. "We're eating out of the tub tonight," she says. I smile slightly before sitting on the top of the kitchen counter. Mom does the same before she starts talking about her day at work, and then how Rose got in trouble at school for cussing at her teacher which made me burst out into a fit of laughter.

At least an hour passed before I started yawning every five seconds. "Let's you get to bed, yeah?" Mom suggests. I nod, throwing the now empty tub of ice cream into the trash. "Can you carry me?" I ask. A small smile creeps upon her lips as she nods.

Just like I was a toddler again, she carried me all the way to my bedroom with my legs wrapped around her waist, and my arms around her neck.
After putting me on my bed, she got out a pair of pyjamas and threw them at me before turning around and facing the corner whilst I got changed.

"You look like a raccoon, let me get the makeup off your face." She giggles as I climb into bed. "Fine," I mumble, getting back up again and following her into the bathroom.
For the next few minutes I sit on my bathroom counter as she washes off my makeup and does all my skincare for me - using The Outset of course. The stuff works like a charm.

Finally, I climb into bed and my mom places a kiss on my cheek. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" I ask tiredly. "Of course my sweet girl, I'm not going anywhere."

wrote this half asleep but heyyy!

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