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Age: 16

"When are you going to tell your mom about me?" My boyfriend, Noah questions. His thumb traces over my bottom lip, my naked body on top of his as I look down at him. "I will soon, I promise. I'm just scared," I admit.

"Why? Do you think she won't like me?" He asks with a hint of worry in his voice. "No, it's not that. She'll love you. I've just never been in a relationship before and I don't know how to bring it up," I explain. "Well, when I told my mom about you I said 'mom I have a girlfriend' and then ran to my room so you could always just do that? That way you don't have to see her reaction," Noah explains with a laugh.

"I might just use that idea," I giggle.

He smiles softly up at me before his eyes flicker to my lips. "Can I kiss you again?" He speaks in a low tone. "Noah, I think after what we just did you can stop asking every time you want to kiss me," I smile. "Yeah well, I just want to make sure," he says with a hint of insecurity.

I stare into his eyes for a moment before my lips meet his again. When we pull away I let out a small sigh of contentment and smile. "I love you, Noah," I whisper. "I love you too, Y/N," he whispers back.

I giggle lightly and bury my head in the crook of his neck. He pulls the sheet up and wraps his arms around me, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life," he tells me.

Before I get to answer I hear my bedroom door swing open. Immediately I lift my head from Noah's neck and turn to see my mom standing in the doorway. Her hand is still on the doorknob and her face is unreadable.

As much as I'm scared of how she's going to react, all I'm thinking about is how damn grateful I am the Noah pulled the sheets back over us.

"Mom! Get out!" I say. She's still standing at the door in shock which yes is understandable, but also making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I can only imagine how Noah feels.

She mumbles something under her breath and turns around, slamming the door behind her. I don't know if she meant to slam it, but it makes me worry about what she's going to say the moment I go downstairs.

"I'm so so sorry, Noah. She wasn't meant to be home until this evening," I apologise. "Don't be," he smiles lightly, "but hey, at least you don't need to worry about telling her anymore."

His small giggle makes me smile and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Do you need me to come down and explain this with you?" He offers. I shake my head, "I think it's probably better if I explain it by myself."

"Alright," he nods, "I have work in an hour so I might just go back home and get ready?"
"Of course."

He pulls out of me slowly and we both get out of bed, putting our clothes back on. He picks up his school bag and throws it over his shoulder before quickly pecking my lips.

I walk him out to his car. "Call me and tell me how it goes," he tells me. "I will," I smile lightly.

I watch him back out of the driveway and take a deep breath before dreadfully walking back inside. The moment I open the door Mom is already standing there leaning against the banister of the stairs with her arms crossed over her chest.

The look on her face tells me enough.

I expect her to say something, but she doesn't. Great. So I have to talk first.

This is going to be fun, I think to myself.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I start. "How long have you been seeing him?" She asks, unmoving. "Four months," I admit. My tone is full of guilt.

"Four months, Y/N? Why didn't you tell me?" She questions sadly. I've upset her. I used to tell my mom everything and she's more than likely so disappointed in me for keeping this from her.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I just didn't know how to tell you because I was scared you would make me break up with him," I admit shakily, leaning against the back of the door. "Why would you think that, honey?"
I shrug.

"How old is he?" She asks. "Eighteen," I say. "Okay," she nods, "does he do drugs, or smoke? Or make you feel uncomfortable in anyway?"
I shake my head, "no, not at all. He's a good guy."
"Then why would you think I'd be mad?" She questions.

I feel myself begging to tear up. She's right. I don't know why I kept this from her for so long and now I've mad her upset which only makes me want to cry more. "I don't know. I just didn't know how to tell you, I'm sorry," I shrug slowly and let a few tears fall.

"Sweetheart, you don't need to cry," mom assures me. She pushes herself of the banister and walks over to me with open arms. "I'm sorry," I say again as I start to cry into her chest. "It's okay Y/N/N, I'm not mad," she whispers, her arms wrapped around me warmly.

"I just have one question though, sweetheart," she admits. "Mhm?" I hum. "Are you being safe? Because last time I checked you weren't on birth control?"

"I'm still not, but we're using protection," I mumble.

I feel her sigh deeply before she rests her chin on top of my head. "Okay honey, well I want to get you in to see your doctor about it because I want to make sure you're safe, yeah?" She explains. "Okay," I nod against her chest.

hi :)
a short one and I literally had no idea of where it was going aha but anyways, I hope you all have a lovely day/night <3

also MIDNIGHTS COMES OUT IN LIKE 15 hours and I'm so excited
it's all I'm going to be talking about ahahah

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