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Okay I was looking for a site like Myspace when I was younger this was before space he came into play so I ended up going on a vampire freaks.com which was actually a golf site befriended a girl Corey a few years younger than me her name was janara and I ended up developing a real poor with her and pretty soon it became a friendship. Soon I can't remember when I met her but I remember her still being my friend to this day she is still on my Facebook and I still talk to her about my problems and stuff or my good times and stuff I still remember talking to her. We have a lot of things in common like we like records not paper records vinyl records we're both actually Retros meaning where you are more into Retro things. Which is pretty cool it's interesting we like vapewave and other things Vape wave don't think of it as a drug it's an art form kind of like pop art but different. And I like a lot of stuff like I used to play the guitar and stuff and other things that was very interesting for me to learn. He encouraged me to follow my passions. My other passions are photography music writing and other things. And I soon ended up ended up where I am now because of her and we're still friends we had one falling out one time but we fix that that was pretty good. I consider her part of my family because he's a friend I don't consider relatives to be family they're just people that are on pieces of paper. And blood doesn't mean very much so to me friendship is more important than actual relatives and I believe that I'm a as a Juggle that I'm a family-oriented and that family is friend oriented instead of relative oriented second cousins get out of here kind of thing I don't believe in you. I've decided that my friends either at the group home or whether it be Genera or my family. And that's that I make and choose my own family that's it Bloodlines do not mean anything or very much it just means where you come from in the world ethnically that's it it doesn't mean very much. Cuz as I said they use DNA to fight crime so it really doesn't matter. They use it for all kinds of things so don't even bother saying relatives are more important than friends friends are more important than relatives in my opinion and that's what I think is the case. I never had a very good family except for my parents even at that that was kind of screwed up but God even more screwed up when I laughed and it was first brothers that were screwed up in the head and now I have an aunt who is screwed up in the head now I don't want to bring this up but she has something against me and I don't know what it is if he's psychopath or mental health problem I don't care what the excuse is but you can at least treat another human being properly and at least say well sorry but she didn't. That's why I choose and pick my family members like the Juggalos. That's it and I believe the juggle away as well as the FBI way that family is who you make it who you choose you want to be your family not how you were born or adopted into this world I did not choose my aunt or my brothers I didn't couldn't care less about them. But my parents were my everything. My family had switched over a couple of times in the years when I had an nails and other people that were going in and out of my life but they were considered family until they either pissed me off or they stayed either way I was friend oriented instead of relative oriented as I said second causes fourth cousins you can get out of my sight kind of thing because I don't care about. I might care about your existence but I don't care about what you are about or what you do or what you say about me. As I said takes one to know when it takes a manly ill person and no one so my aunt was one that was severely mentally ill and it takes one to know one who's mildly mentally ill. I'm sorry to sound like a kid but it takes one to know one. Only one thing and I wish he would read this I don't play games and I don't manipulate people instead I just I don't even beat around the bush I just said as is Brian is a bastard or the sun is shining I just tell the truth as it is and that's the end of it I don't beat around the bush manipulate or play games so she can shove it. I don't believe in her idea of whatever lifestyle she has. Because it's a very hateful one and I'm a Juggle at juggle that don't believe in hatred juggle those don't believe in hatred so we don't bother with these kind of people when I found my aunt was a chicken I was actually going chicken hunting a chicken means and Juggalo terms a hater or a very negative minded person and I don't like chicken hunting that's something that pisses me off.
And yet the chicken hunting still continues even from day to day I find the odd butthead.   Or the odd person who wants to annoy me or something to that effect and I call that chicken hunting because they're really not smart people and they're and I tell him to fly their rebel flag of fly meaning the f word. I don't believe that you should be a hater or try to be a bully in some ways instead you should try to be decent human being unless you want to be chicken Hunted then act a fool.

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