"Let's not run away, because if they really wanted to kill us, we'll never be safe, no matter where we are. Also… I think that the most dangerous place is the safest place," Lisa calmly analyzed.

"Of course we don't need to run, as long as you have Jungkook, no one will dare to hurt you. You have to be careful though, look out for yourself on your way to and from work."

"Mhm, I'll be careful. You should ask your mom and dad to lay low for a while. Tell them to go on a trip or something."

"Mhm, I'll arrange it."

Before Chaeyoung hung up the phone, she said in all seriousness, "Girl, I'll remember everything you did for me. If there's a day that you need me, my life is yours."

"Stop blabbering, why would I want your life? It's not worth much anyways."

Lisa was afraid that Chaeyoung would get emotional, so she hung up immediately...

Chaeyoung and her friendship went without saying; they had maintained a great relationship all these years.

When she was out of money, Chaeyoung transferred money without a second word. She helped Lisa as much as she could.

Lisa thought that at her age, she was no longer an ignorant girl and was already on her path to maturity.

She didn't care about pleasing others anymore. She hung out with whoever pleased her and avoided whoever exhausted her.

It was better to please herself than please others. She would rather be lonely than to betray her feelings. She would rather have regrets than to go with the flow.

The saying 'To those who cannot enter my heart, I'll treat with disdain and apathy. To the one who can enter my heart, I'll treat him as a king' was true.

In her heart, Jungkook was her king...

However, she didn't know what happened to her king last night, as he had no contact with her today.

To test out the waters, Lisa sent him a Wechat money transfer...

It wasn't worth much since she sent him that as a bait.

He accepted the money immediately...

Lisa was happy and she sent him a WeChat message, "Kook, you busy?"

She waited for a long time but he didn't respond...

What was happening?

In anger, Lisa posted a status onto her friend circle, "If you sent somebody a WeChat money transfer and they accept it but still won't reply to your WeChat messages, what's happening?"

She did not think that somebody would comment as soon as she posted it. Lisa thought it was her brother, Haruto.

She was surprised to see that it was actually Jungkook.

He commented, "Then you must've done something wrong."

Lisa wanted to cry but had no tears, replying, "No, I didn't. Everyone knows that I'm innocent, I've been loyal to you. The sun, the moon, the heaven, and the earth can all prove it."

However, Jungkook stopped replying...

He was still giving her the silent treatment...

Lisa was on the edge that entire afternoon. After she returned home from work, she waited for him, pacing around as she did.

It was around eight that Jungkook eventually opened the door to their condo.

"Honey, you must be tired. Do you want coffee or tea?" Lisa tried her best to please him.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now