"So how have you been, really?" Jisung asks Felix.

"I've been okay honestly." He replies. "There is nothing really dragging me down. Work is good, my home is paid for, I don't have children." He pauses. "But I do feel something might be missing."

Jisung scoffs. "Yeah, that something is a relationship."

Felix rolls his eyes. "Not this again."

"Well it's true!" Jisung defends, setting his wine down on the coffee table. "You haven't dated in years, and I can feel you growing lonelier by the day, Felix."

"Yeah whatever." He says in a cocky tone.

"You really haven't been going on dates?" Jisung asks in disbelief.

Felix points his finger. "You haven't either!"

"I have a good reason." Jisung crosses his arms. "You don't. Are you just scared or something?"

Felix tilts his head like he's thinking. "Maybe I'm.. just a little scared." He fiddles with his wine glass.

"You shouldn't be." Jisung puts a hand on Felix's thigh. "You shouldn't wait your whole life, you will regret it in the end. Take risks, Felix."

Felix opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off by the sound of the oven beeping. The aroma of cookies is filling the house, and Felix looks to the kitchen— then back to Jisung. He motions his head to the kitchen before he gets up and walks to the room, Jisung following behind.

He places his wine glass down as he passes the island, and reaches the oven. He turns around looking at Jisung, "Can you toss me that?" He points to the oven mit on the counter.

Jisung nods and throws him the red mitten. "Catch."

He catches the mitten and slides it on, then opens the oven to grab the cookie sheet. He carefully pulls out the cookies, trying not to burn himself. He places the cookies on the counter and pulls the mitten off. He admires their creation for a minute.

"Woah." He is amazed. "They look so good." He looks up at Jisung, who is looking at them the same way.

"They do." He says, turning around and heading to the cabinet. He takes out two plates, and sets them both down next to the cookie sheet.

"Okay," He puts his hands together. "Since we made twelve, let's split them in half."

"Alright." He nods.

Felix walks to the sink to wash his hands, Jisung waiting for his turn like a toddler next to him. After he dries his hands, he walks back to the cookies to separate them. He gently takes the cookies off of the sheet, trying his best not to ruin them. He places six on one plate, and six on the other.

"Alright, Now put those in the microwave to keep them warm." Jisung points to the left plate.

Felix nods and takes the plate, placing it into the microwave. "I will bring them over a little bit after we hear his car come back." He says.

He closes the microwave and wipes his hands, turning back to Jisung. He awkwardly purses his lips and shrugs, "Well now what do we do..?" he tilts his head.

Jisung giggles. "You're adorable." He says.

Felix chuckles. "What..?"

"Let's just go watch a movie, yeah?" Jisung asks, starting to walk to the living room already.

"Mmk." Felix follows along.

They both continue to walk to the living room, but they both freeze in their spots when they hear a car. They look at each other with startled expressions, before running over to the window in the front room.

"Is it him?" Jisung asks, pushing Felix out of the way to peek through the blinds.

Felix stumbles over, "No pushing!"

Jisung giggles, lending a hand to help Felix up. They both peek through the blinds, waiting to see somebody. The car pulls into the neighbors home, carefully parking. Felix and Jisung give each other a look before they both turn back to snoop some more.

The car stops running, and the man gets out of the car. He goes to the backdoor, leaning down— out of the boy's view. When he comes back up, he is holding a little girl in her hands. She is smiling and giggling, before he puts her down. She holds the man's hand before they both head inside, out of view.

Jisung coos. "Awe, she is so cute!"

"I know right," Felix smiles. "She will probably love the cookies." Felix snaps his head up. "The cookies!" I forgot about the cookies!"

Jisung gives him a confused look. "What is wrong with the cookies?"

"How am I supposed to give the cookies to them?" He says nervously. "What if they think I'm even more weird! What if he thinks they are poi—"

"Felix, Felix, Felix." Jisung places his hands on Felix's shoulders. "Don't overthink. You are just a friendly neighbor giving a welcoming gift, there's nothing to be scared about."


"Felix!" Jisung exclaims. "Why are you so nervous— wait.. are you interested in him?"

Jisung gives a teasing smile. "Oh my god silly, it's only been a day—"

"I am not! Don't tease.." Felix frowns. "It's just a friendly gesture."

"You have a little neighbor crush already.." Jisung points a finger. "Okay— Well then if that's the case, I have a plan."

Felix leans away with a worried expression, because Jisung has a look on his face that's terrifying him.

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