Well not mine, but you know what I mean.

I smile as I look at Malorie " Don't you have a girlfriend?"

She looks at me then at them as they came in. "Hey, I may not swing that way, but I can appreciate some good eye candy, and baby girl that's some right there."

I laugh as I pocket my cash making my way to grab some menus. I hear Malorie greet them before she takes them to their booth.

She pulls out her pad about to get their drink orders, but I beat her to it.

"Its okay Malorie, I know them I will take it."

She looks at them then at me before nodding but not before winking at me.

I bite back a laugh as I give my friends plus Sin my attention.

I make Belle and Heath scoot as I squeeze into the booth with them.

"So how did the game go?" I ask curiously.

Heath gives me a look of satisfaction before saying "Beat their asses. Score 17-12 with last quarter scoring 3 touchdowns to yours truly."

I giggle as Beau and Sin both hoot and whistle at him, hyping him up.

Bell laughs too as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah I am going to pretend I know what all that means, but I am glad y'all won." I say humorously.

I look down at Belle as she tries so hard not to fall asleep on me. Obviously she is crashing from the weed she smoked earlier.

I look at Beau as Heath speaks to them. Beau catches me looking, and makes eye contact with me. His cheeks instantly start blushing, but then he hits me with a wink.

"So what brought all you guys over here?" I question.

Beau speaks up "Well Belle seriously needs to eat before Sin drops her off back home. Then the guys wanted to see where you worked."

Belle laughs "Yeah right Sin didn't believe you had a job. Said he had to see it for himself."

I turn my attention towards Sin who hasn't really said anything to me these past few days which is fine by me. Everytime he opens his mouth I ache to punch him it it.

He smugly smiles at me. Jerkface.

"I just didn't think the princess would actually bother working for someone let alone serve to people. Mommy cut you off?" He pesters trying to get a rise out of me.

I crack my knuckles under the table. Holding in my anger. "Actually no, my godmother owns this place. I decided to help her out." I say stretching the truth a little.

My mother all, but forcing me to get a job, but he doesn't need to know that. Fuck him.

"Can we eat please! My stomach is all hollow feeling. Sin and Stevie bicker after I eat." Belle groans next to me.

I laugh at her as she rubs her belly. I pass out the menus while I get their orders.

Quickly typing in the orders on the system. I do some side work so it's done before I clock out.

I finish folding silverware as I get their food to the table.

"Okay three sweet teas, one sprite, three triple cheeses with Chilli fries. One chicken strips with regular fries. Side of ranch. And a death by chocolate shake." I say as I hand the monstrous shake to Belle.

I arch a brow as the girl quickly digs in. All the guys doing the same holding in laughter.

"50 bucks she eats all that." I say as I sit down next to her.

Her Sinners (Somerville #1) Where stories live. Discover now