"Loads, and it hurts, oh god does it hurt, every single time."

"And when you think about the times you died?"

Hermione sounds confused, "It's like it happened to someone else. What the hell?"

"As I said. I'm sure that's why they were so bad. They cut so much of themselves away that the majority of them lost their conscience."

"Harry, I think that despite the implants you can still have issues you need to resolve. I'm only 14, but even I can see that your childhood is something that keeps coming up, time and time again. Maybe talk to my mum or dad, and they can give you a healthy human adults view on things. But I think that stuff with school has brought up memories and feelings that weren't ever resolved.

"Changing the subject, as the Orokin built the Prime Warframes, would it be possible to build them here?"

Harry shakes his head, "No, not without the right equipment. We'd need to find a surviving Orokin research tower and then generate a blueprint for the computers and machinery they used. There were hundreds of thousands of towers, and only a few handfuls of research towers. It's either that or design our own Warframes, even there we don't have the knowledge they had to make them as good as the Prime Warframes. Look at Caliban. He was one of the early experiments the Sentients did on converting people. We found him on Earth, insane from pain and unable to die or live. We Tenno, and my mother, were able to convert him to a Warframe so that our presence could soothe his pain and allow his mind rest. He's not the first person we've had to save like that, but he was the first that we had to convert to a Warframe ourselves. But he doesn't have that extra something that the Prime Frames do that sets them apart."

"How could. No, I don't want to know."

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The rest of the day passed quickly, and Harry was only mildly surprised to find Aurora camped out in the common room just before curfew for the lower years. Between her feet is a large carpet bag, and she is wearing an outfit that screams 'Mary Poppins'. In her hand she holds a scroll, that she passes from hand to hand occasionally. As Curfew arrives, and the prefects start herding the first years up to the dorms, Aurora looks over to Harry and Hermione hopefully. Much to the consternation of the upper year students, who are hoping to be able to have some fun, she doesn't leave.

Harry and Hermione choose to finish their homework rather than pander to Aurora's hopes and expectations. Once it's finished, they take it up to their respective dorms and store it in their trunks. On the way back down, they pass a dejected looking Aurora, and Hermione is just passing through the portrait hole when she turns back and says, "We're leaving if you're coming."

In a manner unbecoming of a pure-blood witch of her breeding, Aurora hurries after the two Warframes as they make their way downstairs.

Once they've docked with the Railjack, Aurora is far too nervous to pay attention to anything beyond watching the grey tunnel that they seem to be travelling through. Harry and Hermione, on the other hand, made their way down to the modified arsenal, where there are currently 5 Warframes in storage, as well as one spare pad.

Hermione looks at the empty space with no small amount of terror. Faced with the reality of changing frames, she discovers, is vastly different from reading about it. Intellectually, she knows that it will be just like customising the flows and components of Titania. However, this has been her body for the last 3 years. She can't imagine it not being her body.

"It's easier if you just do it." Harry's voice makes her startle, "I've mentioned it before, but I never had my memory wiped. The others, they didn't know any different. For me, it was like this. You need to just trust that you will still be there, you're just changing your clothes, in a manner of speaking."

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