Chapter 18 " a new family member "

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" Tara wait..wait..babe.. " Jaime pulling her hands. Looking down to Tara that she's holding gently Jaime gathering her thoughts as she breaths.

"I still can't believe it's time.." Jaime start grasping breathing heavily as pregnant woman.

" hey.. hey.. babe..calm down...please calm down..I know even me I wish I could do something you remember what the doctors says?" Tara breaking her silence holding her shoulders

"yes, I do remember but" Jaime whispers being triggered struggling to breath like she's having a panic attack.

" it's a c - section Tara what if  —   " she said. start getting nervous while Jaime is on her wheel chair hands grasping tight on its stainless steel bars.

"any moment they will let me sleep... no pain but I'm so scared.. " Jaime said having those thoughts delivering their baby. Tara rubbed her arm kissing her head assuring her wife it'll be okay once the baby is born.

"I'll be here when you wake up.." Tara knelt one knee looking up to Jaime while she's on her wheel chair they both wearing same hospital gowns.

" I'll be here for the baby too even if I'm still in the wheelchair I will hold you both tight I promise... and I will wait for you... " Tara whispering kissing her belly, trying to compose herself still gaining her strength and doing balance at the moment Tara still had moments of dizziness. Insisted to assist Jaime to lay her on the bed where Jaime will have a C-section.

"Mrs. Ferguson everything is ready let us know if you're ready..." one of the doctor said.

"give us some more time please...just a moment.." Tara said.

"I love you Tara ..." Jaime said laying in bed completely with her hospital gown. Tara hugged her tight pressing her lips to her.

"I'm ready..." Jaime nodded one of the doctor's near her.

"in ten seconds you'll fall sleep Mrs Ferguson " one of the nurse said placing the oxygen on her.

"don't worry babe.. the baby and you will be fine...I'll be here I promise.. " Tara kissed Jaime's forehead knowing she keeps repeating herself making sure Jaime won't be so worried giving assurance to her wife eases her fear by looking at Jaime showing to her that she's strong even if Taras shaking inside. Wearing her façade cold look as Jaime known from her. Tara wearing those looks that makes Jaime to be calm. Seeing Jaime slowly closing her eyes  breathing gently her hand could barely hold her but Tara grasp it and hold it tight.

I love you Jaime, even if I hid things to you ...

* * *

"hi little one..." Tara's first three words also had her in tears seeing the baby took from Jaime's belly.

"Miss Ferguson would you do the honours?" the doctor said she sound so happy smiling despite those surgical mask on their faces after successfully cut and the baby is completely out from Jaime's belly, it starts crying.

Watching the umbilical cord was cut by Tara. The staff immediately do their job to clean in a few minutes the baby where being ready and wrapped on a warm baby blanket avoided to be cold. Given to Jaime right away while Tara is watching those memorable moments. She's sitting on her wheelchair waiting looking at them Jaime closes her eyes silently breathing feeling the baby on her cheeks kissing. Jaime flinch when she felt of something while doctor's performing stitches on her.

" Congratulations Miss Ferguson to you and your wife Jaime.." the doctor said shaking her hand and her other hand is at her shoulders then all the staff on the delivery room are all clapping for the successful delivery the mother and the baby are safe.

In a split second a sudden shift right in front of Tara eyes.The alarms creating weird sounds and it came off those monitoring machine. Tara knew something is wrong but before she even say anything.

The nurse held the baby and gave immediately to Tara and someone pulled her wheelchair away they both taking away from the delivery room. Watching Jaime's face unconscious fighting for her life as Tara stood there outside looking through the thick glass walls, trying to be strong, gathering strength to hold the baby.

" Jaime... babe..." Tara whispers with tears on her eyes looking back and forth to their baby that shes holding.

" I'll make things right for you and your mom... " Tara whispered to the baby wiping her own tears.

Note: (unedited)

Nearly chapter 20! still reading?
I'm glad! Hope this book is worth while your time!xx

consider errors!

—  M

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