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"We ready" I ask

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"We ready" I ask

They nod.

"The main part of this mission is just going in and getting that file. Team a I want you guys at the back. Team b I want you at the front. And team c and d I want you both sides" I explain

"Any questions"

"What happens if no is there"

"Then we check for any traps before heading inside"

"What about the new four"

"They will be split up so one team has one newbie. Anything else"


"Right go get the guns ready and load up the cars"

As everyone leaves Theo and I walk into the office. I grab some of the files I was looking in beforehand and start putting them away.

"Are you sure about this" Theo asks

"Theo" I start

"No Scarlett if this goes wrong we will be in bigger shit then we need to be dealing with right now"

"I don't give a shot if they come after me. I'm getting that fucking file if not for me then for the protection of my family"

Theo sighs before walking out as I put the last file in the draw locking it. As I grab my gun from my desk I head outside to see Robert and Ryan already waiting at the car.

"What are you two doing" I ask

"Well it's been a while since us four went into some trouble together" Ryan grins

Rolling my eyes we get into the car as Theo starts driving with the others following behind. As we arrived the bomb experts start planting around as the others start going each side of the warehouse.

Me, Theo, Ryan And Robert slowly start heading in. There was no one inside witch already made this suspicious. Theo signs for Ryan and Robert to go one way as we go the other.

We head up the stairs checking every room. Everything is empty, no traps so far and I only have one thing in my mind. That file.

"Clear upstairs" Theo says through the earpiece

"Same downstairs" Ryan responds

"Check for any office or file cabinets we need that document" I say

As me and Theo start looking in every room we find an office. Hard drives files all over the place, as we looked through I saw what I wanted.

"Look through it see if anything is missing" I say

"Scarlett this has photos of you and Liam" Theo says handing it to me

As I look through it really is what Theo is saying. Photos of me and Liam like he took them and put them in this file but it's clear he didn't cause I was there as well.

"I didn't know he was that long" Theo says making me close the folder fast

He starts pissing himself in laughter as Ryan and Robert appear. They look confused as Theo whispered to them.

"Well at least you went for a good sized cock" Robert winks

"Yeah bet the wife hasn't said that to you" I grin as a laughter fills the room

"Well at least Ryan and Theo feel my pain" Robert smirks

They all gasp as a loud bang filled the whole room. No blood no one is dead but that was a gunshot.

"Boss people are on there way in"

"Ok we're on Are way out now"

I place everything in a bag as Robert and Ryan do the same. We climbed out the window jumping off the roof onto a car. We get down as the whole gang get into the cars before speeding off.


"What the fuck happened" dad asks

"We got files to go through" I say walking into the office

Muffled talking behind me as I close the door before sitting down at the desk. I start going through a few files filled with some missions the Valentino's have done the past years going back to when my dad was running it all.

Some were filled with my mums side of the family but most of it was filed with my life. Starting from a baby to all this shit with Liam.

What confuses me is the fact most of these photos are us fucking or they are making it look like he is trying to kill me.

"Fuck sakes" I mutter to myself closing everything up

Why can't I get him off my mind

Honestly at this rate I'm going to need therapy. Well I need it anyway just for the way I'm fucked up but that's not the point.

I get up leaving the files and hard drives everywhere before grabbing a bottle of whiskey. As I walk out I know Robert and Ryan our following me.

"Is we are drinking can I suggest going out causing shit then coming home to mum and dad while they are mad at us" Ryan piped up

"I have a better idea" I smile "why don't we play that lovely game we always play"

"Are we on about the killing one, hiding one or drinking one" Robert asks

"None but I'll settle for drinking" I laugh

"What are you thinking about"

"The fact I can't get the fucking enemy off my mind"


We all sit down on my bed we all take a shot from this whiskey bottle.

"I just can't get him off my mind and it's making me go fucking insane"

"You know when we was kids we always knew when the other was lying"

I nod

"Well then honestly, what do think of this enemy"

"He is a fucking bursted" I sigh "but I guess that's what draws me in"

"Him being an ass draws you in. Girl you need professional help" Ryan pipes up

"Your telling me" I laugh

"Ok then I'll leave you to think about this, if he wasn't your enemy would you get with him. And if your answer is yes then why are you holding yourself back"

Robert grabs the whiskey bottle as they go to get up.

"Also hunny sexual frustration is all I get from you so that pink vibrater may come in handy" Ryan winks

They leave the room as I roll my eyes. The one thing I love and hate is how open they are. I wouldn't change it for the world but like for fuck sakes.

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