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"I look like I stuck i beach ball up my top" I complain

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"I look like I stuck i beach ball up my top" I complain

Now I'm six months along everything has just been moving fast but slowly at the same time.

"Well then your a sexy beach ball" Liam pipes up

I laugh before into the bedroom where he was. He got up from the bed and walked towards me.

"So any plans for today" he asks

"No. Oh did that contact finally go through" I ask

"Yes so as of today our gangs are joined" he grins

I place a kiss onto his cheek as he raises an eyebrow. I laugh before placing a small kiss onto his lips.

"Oh do me one favour if you have to kill someone remember there head" I smile

"No I'll remember there dick so we all can laugh" Liam chuckles

As he finally walked out the room I slightly followed just heading to the kitchen instead.

"What up" Suzie asks

"Apart from feeling like a whale not much" I smile sarcastically

"Have you decided whether you want to know or not" Sophia asks

"We want to wait till he or she is here to find that out" I smile

I placed my hand on my stomach considering this kid of ours likes to kick.

"Kicking" Suzie asks

I nod my head before grabbing her hand and placing it where the kicks were.

"Ok dude chill out in there" she laughs

"I swear this kid is going to end up like an assassin" I laugh

"So how much longer have you got left now" Lorenzo asks

"Two three months" I say

"Not to long now" Sophia practically jumps in joy

As me and Suzie lock eyes we both laugh. My parents flew back to Miami because a few aunts and uncles stayed there.

"So what are doing for the nursery" Suzie asks

"We still need a few things but most of its already here" I explain

"I can't wait to be an aunt" Suzie smiles

"What do you can them at a young age" I ask

"Yes I mean who else will teach you to sneak drinks" she laughs

"Well if it's a boy I'll gladly teach him my playboy ways" Sam grins walking out

"Nope my child will be innocent" Liam shouts

"So what are your parents doing" Sophia asks

"Apart from coming back when baby is born I think they are staying in Miami" I say

"No I need my partner in crime" Lorenzo pouts before walking out

"I think I've been replaced" Sophia shouts purposely

"No one can replace you especially in the bedroom wife" Lorenzo shouts back

As Suzie looks disgusted I burst into laughter. I finally get up from the chair and make my way upstairs.

I walk into the closet getting dressed before putting my boots on. I walk back downstairs before Suzie and I head out.

"What are we doing again" Suzie asks

"Well I'm fed up of feeling like a whale so shopping it is" I laugh


"Look how cute this is" Suzie says holding up a little baby clothe

I laugh as she looks at it realising how tiny it is. We have been shopping for a few hours now.

My feet are killing me but I don't really care at the moment. We finished up and headed back to the car.

"I still can't believe you only got one thing" Suzie laughs

"I can't believe me myself"

"Is little one kicking again" Suzie asks

"Yes like I'm a kick bag" I laugh

As we finally arrived back home Suzie got all the bags before we headed inside.

"How many bags" Sophia gasps

"Is it to much" Suzie asks

"No to little you need more" she laughs

"There you are" I hear Liam's voice

I turn around to see him with his dad standing there while Lorenzo looked shocked at the bags.

"What did you spend" Lorenzo stuttered

"It's all for me apart from one thing" Suzie says handing me a bag

As she walked off I headed upstairs putting the bag on the dresser. This kid keeps kicking like I'm it's kick bag.

I feel a pair of arms go around me before hands firmly hold my stomach.

"And how is my gorgeous girl" Liam asks

I laugh leaning back into him.

"I just him or her out now" I say honestly

"Hungry" he asks


He takes my hand and leads up to the kitchen before I sat down.

The chefs had already made burgers considering this was my only craving that's stayed.

Liam's family sat around the table as chefs put the food in front of us.

We all ate and talked like always. Though tonight was a movie night.

After we all ate we headed into the cinema room grabbing our popcorn and drinks.

"Right what film" Lorenzo asked

A few suggestions got thrown and we finally started watching the film.

Well when I say we started I mean they did. I was over here getting kicked to smithereens.

Liam places his hand onto my stomach considering this little one only calms down for their daddy.

We got half way through the film before I got up and headed to the bedroom.

I got changed into lose clothes before my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I answered

"It's about time you picked up" Ryan shouts

"I regret picking up now" I throw back

"How is our pregnant sister"

"As big as a whale" I laugh

"Well I just wanted to check in considering"

"How is the family"

"We are all good boo"

I laugh as we talked some more before the conversation ended. Once we hang up Liam walked into the room.

"You ok" he asks

I nod before getting into the bed. He climbed in behind me placing a kiss onto my neck.

"I feel like a whale"

"A sexy one at that"

"How can a whale be sexy"

"Well when it's you there is no surprise"

As his arms wrapped around me the best they could I drifted of to sleep.

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