Confrontation at Storm's End

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Storm's End, the Stormlands

129 AC

"Cousins, nephew, Lady Laura." Aemond greeted coldly. 

He turned to Borros. "Lord Borros, I came here to ensure your allegiance to the true king—"

"I swore my oath to the Queen years ago, boy. Tell your mother the Greens can offer me nothing, and the Baratheon's will stand by the true ruler of Westeros." Borros said.

"And Queen Rhaenyra will support Cassandra's claim to Storm's End and ensure that she gets her birthright, for she will be my good sister and aunt of my future children." Aemon added. "If a women can be Queen, why can't Cassandra be Lady of Storm's End and Lady Paramount of the Storm's End?"

Laura smiled at her betrothed. "A smart idea." she whispered "Father has been training her already."

Aemond turned to Laela. "Tell your son I'm coming for his eye, Lady Laela."

"I'll be taking yours before you come near him. Do not underestimate the love of a mother dragon for her children, One-Eye." the Silver Lady said cooly.

"Get out, Prince Aemond." Borros rumbled, and Aemond turned heel and left.

"Is it okay if we stay the night, cousin? I do not wish to encounter lightning or for Tyraxes to fall into the sea." the white-gold haired Velaryon inquired.

"You are more than welcome, Lady Hand." Elenda spoke up. "The servants will prepare rooms for you all."

"Thank you, mother, father." Laura said to her parents.

The trio stayed the night, and after having breakfast with the Baratheon's departed for Dragonstone.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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