"Whoa! Hey, squirt. You scared me," Vic chuckled slightly.

"I have missed you," Maddie told her honestly.

Vic smiled and embraced the teenager in her arms, giving her a warm hug.

"Hey, where here too," Travis joked.

"I was getting round to it," Maddie giggled, moving away and hugging both Travis and Emmett.

"Hey, Maddie," Emmett greeted the teenager.

"Hughes?" Sullivan questioned.

"How are you?" Maya wondered.

Both of them were quite surprised to see her today, unsure if she should even be at work yet. Travis was quick to spin around and explain to them.

"Okay, before you say anything or try to blame me for this, I tried, but she insisted on coming and helping," Travis explained.

"Did the department clear you?" Maya asked.

"I didn't know I needed clearance for peeling potatoes," Vic replied.

Maya looked at her friend concerned.

"This is your work environment. There will be alarms that could put undue stress on your heart," The blonde pointed out.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I appreciate the second opinion, but my heart is fine," Vic stated, turning back around to continue to peel the potatoes.

"And who was the first opinion?" Sullivan questioned.

"You know Vic, Maddie would be more than happy to take over from you and peel the potatoes," Maya piped in.

"What?" Maddie asked.

"Don't argue," Maya said, giving her daughter a pointed look.

"Guys, I just need one thing to feel a little bit normal today, or is that something that's gonna make my heart explode?" Vic questioned.

All of a sudden, an alarm started to beep which got everyone's attention and made them look concerned.

"What's that?" Maddie wondered.

"It's fine. It's fine. I just got a little excited about the Yukon golds. I'm fine," Vic protested.

Travis looked at the woman and held his hand out for her to give up the potato peeler, which Vic looked disappointed about.

"Are you serious?" The woman questioned.

Nobody said anything else, as Travis continued to hold his hand out.

"Okay. Are you happy?" Vic muttered, handing it over to him and storming out of the room.

Travis turned to Maddie and handed her the potato peeler.

"Here you go, trouble. Happy peeling," Travis chuckled.

"Ah, wonderful. Thanks," Maddie muttered sarcastically.

Throughout all of this, the blonde teenager was completely unaware of the fact that her phone was going off.

"I didn't think I would see you here today," Teddy noted.

Carina stood at the nurses station, tapping the screen on the tablet as Teddy appeared beside her friend.

"Just a quick consultation before I head to the station to join my family and everyone else. What is your excuse?" The brunette asked.

"Well, both of us are working and the kids are in Daycare," Teddy explained.

"Ah. I see," Carina agreed.

Troublemaker | Station 19Where stories live. Discover now