Ch.12] Des Orages & Letting Go

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Please do not skip any side character's pov. It could leave you confused.

Yoongi's POV

I seriously think something is wrong with my best friend. He has some type of psychological issue I believe. There's no way in hell he is this obsessive and I honestly feel bad for Jimin. He seems like a sweet guy when he doesn't have his guard up all the time but I can understand why he keeps it up. 

When Gguk first contacted me to spy on someone I was in utter shock. I didn't think my childhood best friend would call me up for something like that. I refused at first because Jimin was just an innocent teenage boy.. Gguk was not that innocent.



"Oh, hey Gguk." He said with a small smile.

"I got a girlfriend!" He looked at Yoongi with a smirk.

"How?! you're only thirteen that can't be possible."

"My mom arranged it~. She said we're going to get married when we're older."

"That doesn't sound like a good idea Koo."

"What would you know? You aren't that smart anyway." He teased.

"Actually, I know way more stuff than you and your mom most likely wants you to marry her because she knows that you're secretly into guys." Yoongi teased back.

"Ew! I could never be gay."

He started to fake puke and wrap his hands around his neck.


"Stop that Jeongguk. There's nothing wrong with being gay."

"My papa said that if a person is gay it's because they hate their family. I don't hate my family so I'm not a gay person." He said proudly.

"Your papa is a douche. Any man that says that is deep in the closet." Yoongi chuckled. 

"Hey! Just because you hate your family doesn't mean that my father hates his!"

"I'm not gay. Even if I end up coming out as gay, you would be the last person I tell."  

He can't tell Jeongguk that he likes boys.

"Well, to be honest I wouldn't care if you like the same gender as yours. I'll still be your best friend!"

He's too nice for his on good.

It's just his fucked up parents.

"My parents are different from yours. If I do end up coming out as gay, you cannot tell your parents okay? They wouldn't let us be friends anymore if they found out."

"I promise Yoon!" He pulled his best friend into a bear hug.

"Thank you."

"I think I'm going to break up with that girl, I don't really like her she's boring." 

Yoongi pulled out of the hug to stare at Jeongguk.


"Yeah! All she does is cling on to me!"

"What is she like?"

"She's tall, short brown hair, tan skin, a kissy mark tattoo on her neck and-."

"A tattoo?!"

"Yes she has a tattoo, it's the only thing cool about her. She's always on her phone and laughing about having to babysit a clueless little boy. I feel bad for that clueless little boy."

"Uh.. Gguk."


"You are the clueless little boy."

"No no no. My parents told me that she's my girlfriend and that her family has a lot of money so.. but I'm not interested in her nuh uh."

"How old is she..."

"I think 15 or 16."

"What the heck? Dude."


"That's not okay."

"Why not? My papa said having an older woman to date me is important."

"Your papa is a creep."

"Don't talk about my papa Yoongi! You know how I feel about that." He pouted.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not a fan of him."

"It's okay, a lot of people don't like my papa but I love him."

"It's okay to love him but you have to understand that he isn't a good person and you shouldn't be following his footsteps."

"You don't understand."


I sigh to myself in guilt. I shouldn't have agreed with any of this. I should've said no. I ruined someone's life for money. Jimin doesn't deserve any of this and I need to find a way to stop it before it gets worse. I just won't allow that to happen.

I had no idea that Gguk would take after his father like this but a part of me did. 

Why didn't I stop it when I had the chance. 

I need to call Jeongguk and tell him things need to come to an end. I pick up my phone and stare at his contact. After a few seconds, I finally press the call button.


"We need to talk."

"We're talking now." Jeongguk chuckles.

"This needs to stop now."


"It's going too far."

"What are you talking about?"

"This whole thing with Jimin, it needs to stop."

"But I'm paying you."

"No. No more Gguk and I mean it. I quit and I don't want to have any more contact with you. Ever."

"No Yoongi you can't do this to me. You're the only friend I have." Gguk pleas.

"It's over. I'm done."

"You are all I have. Without you I'm nothing. Please don't leave me Yoongi, I need you." His voice starts cracking.


"I don't want our friendship to end. I'm sorry for fucking up, I am so sorry. I know that I've taken this too far and I want to make up for everything. I want to fix things."

"I can't anymore Jeongguk, I'm sorry."

"Yoongi please. Just give me a chance to fix things."

"You had many chances."

"I know that you like Jimin."

"The fuck? I don't like Jimin."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Because it's fucked up! Everything you're doing isn't right and I know I played a big part of it but now I want out. I'm not going to be your friend anymore, I'm not going to work for you anymore and I'm not going to let you cry on my shoulder anymore. Do I make myself clear?"


I click the end button and throw my phone onto my bed. Is it finally over? Did I end all of it? I hope I made him come to his senses. After the night I left, I've been distancing myself from him slowly and now it's over. 


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