Mother Miranda one-shot part 1

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Miranda had been oddly cold towards you...she had never been like this..well once before you two got married,she was so close to bringing Eva back.She spent so much time in that lab of hers where you were forbidden to enter,you never questioned it.Miranda was mysterious before the marriage and still is,you missed her cold fingers on your skin,her cold lips on your neck and her wings wrapped around your body when you cuddled her in your sleep.Now she has been spending nights at the lab,your nightmares had been coming would wake up crying but there was no strong arms to wrap around you this time,you barely ate and left the house.

The maids had grown worried...not over the mistress,over the lady.They would leave food and water on the door of your and Miranda's barely touched it,you were rather getting skinny in a bad way.

For the first time in weeks when you were sitting on the living room couch sipping tea you heard your lover's voice..oh how you had missed her,she was your every day oxygen..without her you felt lost and like you were dying,but you didn't look at her,just continued sipping on your tea.

Miranda looked at you..she was waiting for you to look at her and have that small smile appear to your face whenever you saw at her,she frowned when you never did,your eyes not leaving the book in your other hand.Miranda walked away...

You drank the tea and got up,you got dressed into one of your puffy but short dresses and realized that it was starting to get had gotten so much skinnier.  You were ready to leave to Castle Dimitrescu.your heels clicked on the floor as you made your way to the door.

"Where are you going Love?" You heard your lover say.You stopped in your tracks and looked at Miranda,that sparkle in your eyes was gone and it broke Miranda's eyes,that sparkle had been replaced with sadness,hurt and even anger.

"Castle Dimitrescu"

Was all you said before leaving the house. a carriage was ready for you..but you didn't feel like taking one,you walked to the stable and walked over to a beautiful black horse. You never really knew the breeds of the horse's maybe one day out of boredom you would learn them

 You never really knew the breeds of the horse's maybe one day out of boredom you would learn them

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The horse looks abt like that))

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The horse looks abt like that))

You had a maid get the horse ready and she also helped you get on the horse,you began your way to the castle.You felt so free whenever you were with this pretty boy.It didn't take too long for you to arrive to the castle, a stable boy left with your horse to give it water and food.

You entered the castle and soon heard a familiar buzzing sound,swarm of flies were in front of you forming into those three girls you so loved.

"Y/N!!!!" Daniela yelled and tackled you.

"Oh my god Dani carefully!!"

"Chill out Bela she's not going to break"

Cassandra and Bela argued a little until loud clicks of heels got closer,you were standing and hugging the three " I've missed you girls"

You said and kisses their foreheads,Dani wore a wide smile on her face and so did the two other girls.

"Hello Y/n, its been a while hasn't it?" You looked up to Alcina,you smiled and walked to her "oh yes it truly has been" you smiled and looked over at the three girls "i assume I've been missed quite a lot? "

You looked back at Alcina who chuckled and smiled back.

The rest of your day you spent in the castle, drinking tea with Alcina or playing with the girls, you had missed their company, you really had. It was the time for you to leave,the girls begged their mother to let you stay overnight.

"Please mother!!!"

The three looked at you and then at Alcina "PLEEEEEAAAAASEEEEEEE" Dani whined a little. "Oh fine then, if Y/N wants to that is"  Alcina said with a chuckle. You nodded. "Oh I'll gladly stay over"

The girls squealed and brought you back to Bela's room and you guys pretty much did teenager stuff,you had missed this.Being an adult was not something you loved..if something you wished to go back to your teenager days.

It was about 9pm when a not so waited quest arrived..Miranda entered the castle and was making her way to Alcina's room.

You had fell asleep cuddled up the had a book in your hand,you fell asleep reading to them.

Miranda knocked on Alcina's door,Alcina opened the door a little shocked. "Mother Miranda?"

"Where is my wife?" Miranda asked rather  coldly.

"Should be with the girls in Bela's room" Alci said and began her way there with Miranda following behind her,they made their way to the other side of the castle, Alcina entered the room first and smiled at the sight,Miranda looked at you four..You were laying in the middle asleep with a book in your right hand,Daniela had her head on your lap and rest of her body on top of your legs asleep,the two older siblings were on your sides also asleep.

Miranda let out a hum.."i see she's asleep already...I'll come back tomorrow"

Alcina nodded and watched Miranda leave the room.she let out a sigh and left back to her room

(Hey guys I'll make a part two a little later,im so so so sorry for being inactive for so damn long! I hope you guys enjoyed this chaos

two lords + mother miranda +Mia Winters x female reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now