Donna Beneviento/Mother Miranda One-shot

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i know the chapter is late but i wanted to give you guys a longer chapter, y/n is 17 btw

"y/n wait for me!". Your sisters voice echoes as you two run into a cave.. After you took a few turns to right and then ran behind a corner you realized that you didn't remember where you came from and kept walking trying to find your older sister... Few minutes went by.. Minutes grew to hours and then you found a way out....but it was not the same way you had entered the saw this village and heard a growl behind you. You turned around and saw this werewolf looking creature.. It started chasing you and your instinct was to run.. So you ran.

It kept chasing you until you came to the edge of the mountain...the creature kept approaching you, you took few steps and the creature jumped onto you and you fell... you landed... pain that's all you felt... You fell onto your back and you were barking for air.. You couldn't feel your arms and tears were streaming down your face...

... Your POV...

It was cold.. All i could do was lay there in pain... And i knew that i was not coming back home.. Death was waving at me... Right around the corner... Wait am i hallucinating? I mean wouldn't be a surprise if I was.. I saw a woman walk towards me.. Wait death is a woman? Okay..

"oh you poor thing...." i heard the woman talk.. Her voice was soft yet raspy..

-few week time skip-

You woke up... Where am i? What happened? Who am i?.. The questions ran in your head. A woman walked to the room.. So beautiful. A scar was on her right side of her face.. Her eye widens and she turns around and puts on a vail.. Why'd she do that? She turned around to you and walked up to you.. "im sorry you h-had to see that.. I didn't know t-that you were a-awake..". Her voice was raspy, your eyebrow rose "what do you mean..? Your beautiful..". You mumble and heard a giggle from the doll. "see Donna, I SAID UR BEAUTIFUL" the doll giggled and flew to the bed. "what's your name girl?". I look at the Doll and bite the inside of your cheek. "i don't remember.. Im sorry". You look away and sigh sadly, the woman.. Donna was it? She moved closer to you. "its okay.. Don't worry, you'll remember when the time comes". You smiled at her. She shyly moved her hand to yours."Me and Angie will help you.. But y-you really should rest.. Mother Miranda told m-me you need it.. She saved y-you"

Days went on and You grew more powerful and your body began to slowly transform.. From the others your transformation was slow and not so painful. Donna helped you and slowly started to catch more and more feelings towards you,but you weren't so sure..yeah she was beautiful but you were looking for a more..Dominant woman?... Flashbacks started to appear showing your family and friends, everything at that moment was perfect. Mother Miranda had visited a few times and took a great interest in you.. Not the romantic way or was she..? she had never seen a case like yours.. The Cadou was always so quick to take over the victims body and to transform it to the final stage... But yours didn' meant that there was something so special in you.. Miranda wanted to know... She asked for your consent to do a few tests on you and to examine your health and body how it worked with the Cadou. You agreed.

"y/n? Are you okay?" Miranda asked and raised your chin.. She was extremely close. "yeah.. Im fine". Y/n looked at Miranda weakly. "fine then darling.. Are you sure? You seem a bit... Weak~". She chuckled and leaned closer "i-im fine! The experiment w-wasn't that bad"

Miranda was so close,Y/n stared at her in the eyes and felt her cheeks get hot...women made her feel many things that men never had.Miranda moved a lock of hair from Y/n's face and bit her lip,she leaned in and kissed her,Y/n was shocked for a moment but kissed back carefully,the corner of Miranda's lips turned up and she deepened the kiss,her hands made their way to Y/n's waist.

two lords + mother miranda +Mia Winters x female reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now