Donna Beneviento one-shot

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The morning was cold and windy..Donna was snuggled up next to you softly snoring,you've always thought it was cute.She had been quite attention needy..kisses,hugs,cuddling ect.Angie was the crazy same doll as always and she was playful everyday..she didn't tease you anymore though and she seemed more trusting to you,had Donna done something? had she talked to Angie about it? Donna shifted in your arms a little and snuggled closer to you..she was a little cold,you wrapped your arms around her and kissed her forehead..she looked so peaceful when she slept.You reached for the book on the nightstand with your right hand.It was your favorite book,Miranda had gifted it to you on your last birthday.You began to read the book while Donna slept with her head on your chest and arms wrapped around you.

-time skip-

Donna had woken up and stayed with you for a while until she left to go find Angie,she seemed like she was in a very good mood this time and it made you happy.You got up and changed your clothes and walked to the decided to make tea fro Donna and coffee for yourself,you opened one of the cabinets and took out the stuff you needed and began to boil water for Donna in a kettle and used the coffee maker what you got not so long ago,for once there was just silence in the house,no cackling from Angie or from any other doll.You weren't going to lie it felt weird,then the house phone rang and you walked to it and picked it up


"Hello Y/n.. is Donna somewhere near? I have a important question" it was Miranda! You hadn't heard from her in a while.

"Im not sure where she is actually..let me call for her" you said and moved away from the phone not wanting to destroy the holy one's eardrums.

"Donna! Mother Miranda needs you!" You yelled and she was next to you in a few minutes,you handed her the phone and let her continue the conversation with went back to the kitchen and pored a cup of coffee for yourself and then tea for Donna,you made your way to Donna and gave her the cup while smiling a little,she smiled back and mouthed a thank you.You nodded and kissed her cheek and walked away to the Living room,you liked that Donna didn't wear the veil around the house anymore.You'd usually compliment her every morning,day and night.Cause you loved her so much and wanted her to know that no matter what she looked like you would always love her till the end.

It had been about thirty minutes and Donna finally got done with the call,you were still in living room reading a book and drinking coffee,you placed your book down and looked at Donna and her beautiful features. "Hi there pretty woman..i hope You and Mother Miranda had a good conversation.She seemed to be in a good mood" you said and noticed Donna blush and nod,you giggled at her reaction and smiled softly.She seemed to smile back at you and sat next to you."i love you" she said and cuddled closer to you. "i love you too" you said and kissed her.she smiled against your lips and kissed back happily,the kiss deepened and was about to turn into something more until someone banged on the front door.You pulled away from the kiss and looked at Donna.She looked at you with widen eyes..those eyes where you get lost so easily,you got up and went to open the was...HEISENBERG!?!

"What on earth are you doing here! And you couldn't have called instead of giving me and Donna a heart attack!?" You said as he laughed a rolled your let him inside "now what do you want this early in the morning?" you asked him and noticed that Donna walked next to you,with her veil on.You frowned a little but listened to Heisenberg..he kept going on with how Mother Miranda doesn't care about us and that she's using us until she gets her daughter back and then she'll get rid of us..he was drunk again which wasn't a surprise.You didn't really listen to him that much as you were reading once again,Heisenberg leaned to you and looked at  what you were reading,you sighed and looked at him. 


"noothing..just looking,dont worry tiny" he said and chuckled,you rolled your eyes at the comment,you haven't seen Donna in a while now.She was probably working on her dolls or making new clothes.Heisenberg started talking about random stuff and then his hate for Alcina.You sighed and patted Heisenbergs shoulder.. "alrighty...i need to go make dinner sleep or go home"

"noooo! tiny stay with me you aint going no where" he said and held onto you,you groaned.

"Karl Heisenberg let me go so that i can make dinner".your eyes darkened as you made eye contact with him "Let.Go.OF.Me

he finally let go and you went to make dinner,it was one of Donna's favorite were almost done with cooking,you felt two arms wrap around you. "are you done soon?" 

Donna asked as she kissed your neck.You blushed and nodded,she smiled and kept hugging you.You had butterflies in your stomach from the hug behind and kisses to your neck.You smiled and turned around and looked at Donna,she didn't have her veil on and it made you smile even more.You pulled her closer and kissed her gently,she returned the movement and kissed you back smiling against your lips.God you were lucky,you thought and held your partner close to you.

Angie came to the kitchen flying with her other friends,she was cackling/giggling like always.You chuckled and kissed Donna's cheek.the rest of the day was just you helping Donna clean around the house

two lords + mother miranda +Mia Winters x female reader one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora