Mother Miranda one-shot

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i sighed as i looked around...i had woken up in a new place..i took an axe from next to me,im glad i know how to defend myself. After years of having to survive alone i learned how to throw hatchets and how to hunt, use bow's and almost anything that i needed to So dark and cold inside this is more of a cabin...i wonder why it's so cold in here, i shivered a little and left the weird cabin.. A forest, i was in a forest..i shaked my head and walked towards the trail what led me to a small field of flowers and a another cabin not so far, i hum and walk towards it until i heard growls behind me..wolves? i turned around and notice these furry they weren't men..some creatures..werewolves?

i gripped the axe tightly in my hand and went to swing at the creature what approuced me,i hit it in it's neck and then swinged again hitting it straight into it's head and quickly pulling it eyes widened as the creature turned to ashe's and the other one jumped at me,i quick step away from the attack and swing at it,a groan left me as the claws of the creature had sliced my arm open,i hit it again and again until it disposed into ashes.i breathe heavily and catch my breath,i then went to enter the cabin..empty just like the last one,i went through the cabinets,drawers anything looking for more weapons to protect myself and possibly for hunting,there was a door what lead to a room filled with hay and a fence what kept whatever animal was here from escaping,i looked at the wall and let out a excited gasp and a bright smile appeared to my face..a bow! and next to it was arrows enough for me to hunt down quite many things!! i walk to it and take it examining the condition of it...perfectly fine and still very good for use, a little old but that isn't a problem.

i left the cabin with the bow and arrows and the axe hanging off the belt that i had taken from a closet,a smile was plastered to my face and i continued my way to the forest looking for a prey to hunt down..i was hoping to find either a deer or a few rabbits...i saw a deer right in a spot light,i take my bow and a arrow and nock an arrow,draw and anchor the bow,i aim and align the arrow with the target....i breathe calmly and breathe out and release the string,it hit the deer and i quickly shoot another one since i didn't hit it to the heart and shoot the next one to it's head killing it.i jog to the dead deer and pull the arrows out then put them into the quiver and then began to drag the dead deer to the cabin by it's antlers.

i heard crows cawing as i walked back to the cabin..i open the door and throw the dead deer to the table,i clean my hands and then take a big butcher knife what i had found earlier and cut into the carcass and started to gut it,i threw the guts to a bucket what was next to my took me about an hour to get ready with my task and i had now raw meat for myself..there was quite a lot so i would last as pretty long with it,i hang some of it to a hook and went outside to the super small smoker outside and put the hook there and get some logs and make a fire,fan the flames to my liking take a step back moving my hands to my hips and smiling proudly.A crow landed to the log basked and cawed,i looked at it and let out a hum..crows,such pretty creatures.

The crow stayed there for a little then flew to the cabins roof and landed there,i then walk back inside the cabin to clean the table from all the blood and i needed to get rid of the guts,as i left to dump them away i had my axe with me that i had sharpened earlier,crows kept following me but i ignored them and then continued my way and when i found a perfect place to dump the guts i did so and walk back to the cabin finally sitting down.

I bit my lip and went to outside to get more logs and bring them inside and put the logs into the hearth what was in the living room..i was lucky to find this place,i light the logs on fire and move the worn Mattress to the Living room..i rather sleep here next to the fire like i was used to,listening to the wood cracking was very relaxing and it reminded me of was very late already and the moon started to rise,i went outside to look at the smoker and make sure that nothing will go wrong.i hum and take more logs inside and added them to the hearth and lay down to the mattress and closed my eyes.

two lords + mother miranda +Mia Winters x female reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now