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Next day,

Jungkook's pov,

We all were very excited . We packed our staff and all, charged our handcams, phones and power banks. We had our lunch together and decided to take a short nap.

Time skip,

We were standing together infront of a house. There was a name plate on the entrance of the house. Those letters are not clear and broken but we could read it.

"TG" I read out loud. "What is the full form of TG?" Jimini hyung asked. "How could we know?" Yoongi hyung said and entered in while opening the entrance gate. One by one all entered, but me and Tae still stood there. My body didn't let me get in.

"Kook, what happened?" Hobi hyung asked. I nodded my head as no. I started live video "so guys we came to the TG house, I don't know what that means, anyway do you guys know anything? Then let me know" I said to the camera.

I stepped in. I felt goosebumps all over my body. I felt a strange things which I felt yesterday night. "What happened?" Tae asked with his deep voice. "Nothing" I replied.

Then we started to make video. "Guys, maybe someone burn this house, look at the walls and the furnitures" I said. "Guys let's split up" Yoongi hyung suggested "I am taking Jimin with me". "Don't tell me you are horny now" Hobi hyung said. "Yess I am, so what" He said and dragged Jimin hyung with him.

We were roaming around the house, I felt so connected here. "Ahhh" Hobi hyung screamed. "What happened" Jin hyung asked. "Someone called me" He replied. "Stop scaring my baby, hobi" Namjoon hyung glared.

"Trust me bro, someone whispered my name just behind my ear" He said scaredly. Yoongi hyung came . "What is happening here? Why are you screaming horsey" Yoongi hyung asked irritatedly.

"Where is Jimin?" Jin hyung asked. "He isn't with me, I thought he came here" Yoongi hyung replied panickly. We all started to look for him. "JIMINNN,, JIMINNNN" we all were searching and calling him but we didn't get any reply.

"GUYS" we heard Namjoon hyung's voice. "We all ran there. Jimin hyung was laying on the floor unconsciously. Yoongi hyung ran and take his head on his lap. " Jiminahh, open your eyes,what happened?" He panicked. Jin hyung sprinkled some water on his face.

He gained his conscious."what happened to you jiminahh??" Yoongi hyung asked. "S... Someone was c..calling while whispering, hyung. I am scared" Jimin hyung said.

We got worried, we never experienced such things but why now?

"Waittt, where is Tae??" I asked. "What the hell" Jin hyung said. We were about to go but Tae came running "I haven't find him yet" He said while panting.

"Guys , lets just go from here, I didn't feel good here" Jin hyung told. "Yess, you are right, I haven't married yet" Hobi hyung said. "Shut up hobi" Namjoon hyung said.

"Guys, I lost my camera" I said. "Okay let's find it out" Namjoon hyung said. Tae was so quite from the beginning, he had not told anything except "I haven't find him yet". " Guys, I am going towards car with Jimini" Yoongi hyung said. We nodded and he left.

Then we searched for a while but we didn't find out. "Let's go kook, we will buy a new one" Hobi hyung suggested. "But hyung it's my favorite handcam and the new video was on the handcams, I haven't finished the live yet" I said.

"Okay we will find it tomorrow now let's go please" Jin hyung said. I nodded and about to go towards our car.

"Jeongguk" I heard a low whisper. I looked back and there was no one. I thought maybe I misheard something . I shrugged off my thoughts and went back to our car.

We ate something and spent the night in our car.

Next day morning,

I woke up first. Tae was not there. I panicked. I got off from the car and started to search for him. I was on my way to TG house but I saw Tae. "Kook, I found your camera, come with me" He dragged me towards the house.

"See, your camera" He said while pointing towards my handcam. "You could just pick up the camera and bring it back with you" I said. "Ohh... Ohhh how dumb of me" He said casually.

I picked up my handcam. I felt a shiver on my spine. "What happened?" He asked. "Nothing" I said. The camera was already off. Maybe out of battery.

"Let's go" I said and took him with me. Then hyungs also woke up till then. We had our breakfast together. And went back to our home.

I was tired of everything so I laid down on my bed. Tae went to washroom. I just closed my eyes.

"Jeongguk" I again heard that whisper which sent chill to my spine. I straightly woke up and looked behind me but there was no one.

End of Jungkook's pov.

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