V - Gathering and Reveal

Start from the beginning

Y.Ran: Honestly, I don't know what nee-sama is thinking. She just told me to send this to you and said that you'll have an idea on what to do. I've said what needs to be said, good day to you both.

Ran-san left as she said that and I looked at the passes one more time and I saw a small note between them and it says.

"I want you and your aide to go to this place. I invested in that place, so can you take a look at it on my behalf?

Don't worry, I'll send something for the trouble when you're done, and hopefully you'll find what you're looking for once you get there.

Good luck to you, boy."


What did she mean by I'll find what I'm looking for? I looked at Youmu, and she just shrugged her shoulders to show that she doesn't know either. Then I started to think about it a little further, and it just gave me an idea why Yukari-san sent this to me.

Riku: Youmu, what is my schedule for the rest of the day?

Youmu: Hmmm......You're completely free for today.

Riku: Then you already know what we're gonna do today.

Youmu quickly understood what I meant and immediately made our way to the Live House. Guess I might be able to send some to Gabe faster than I thought.

2 Hours Later

Before we went to the live house, we made a quick detour back to my home to get changed. Youmu wore her signature dark green and white dress, and I wore a simple white shirt, a pair of grey cargo pants, and a black jacket with green outlines with the logo of the old OG in the back.

Grandfather saw us about to leave and asked us where we're going. I told him that Yukari-san asked me to check something out, and he understood it and just told us to be careful on our way there.

We're now at the entrance of Live House Galaxy, and it appears the live house is just below the stairs.

Riku: So this is one of the Live Houses that Yukari-san invested. Did I get that right Youmu?

Youmu just nods at my question.

Youmu: That's right, Riku-dono. Yukari-dono even gave us VIP Passes for this one.

As me and Youmu were about to go down..........

???: Riku-san? Konpaku-san? What are you two doing here?

We turned around to see who said that. We saw a girl with long curled blonde hair worn in two pigtails and light brown eyes; it was none other than Ichigaya Arisa. Secretary of the Student Council.

Riku: Ah, Arisa-san hm? Oya? Saaya-san. Good to see you again.

Saaya-san just waved at me and said.

Saaya: Good to see you again Riku-kun.

???: Ne Saaya, you know him?

The one who asked the question is a girl with purple eyes and brown hair that is shaped into.....cat ears? Saaya-san answered her question with a smile.

Saaya: Hai. I met him at the school entrance a few days ago. He asked me for directions on where the principal's office was, and I got to know him a bit along the way.

Kasumi: Oooh! So you're the transfer student! Let me introduce myself! I'm Toyama Kasumi. I play guitar and vocalist for Poppin'Party! Nice to meet you.....um....who are you again?

Arisa-san lightly smacked the back of her head while Saaya-san, me and Youmu were just giggling, I introduced myself so they can remember my name.

Riku: Nice to meet you as well Kasumi-san. I'm Nagae Riku. You guys can call me Riku, a 3rd year at Hanasakigawa and this is my aide and best friend Youmu.

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