"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I turned to look in the mirror. He wrapped his arm around my waist resting his arm on my exposed stomach.

"We're going to be parents." He said as he looked at our reflection in the mirror.

"My boobs are huge" no seriously I've went up five cup sizes. "Do you think we're going to be good parents... together?"

"Yeah.. I think we're going to do good"

I looked down at my stomach. Jovian bent down and placed a longing kiss on my jaw line. "I love you"

I snickered "Do ya? Do you really? I haven't had coffee in five months." He smiled shaking his head.

"We're not having this conversation again jules" he left bathroom.

"Well love you too then" I mumbled lowly slightly disappointed. Jovian isn't known to be protective to a controlling extent but with this pregnancy, oh lord. But then I have to remeber the whole Izzy situation and he probably want to take precautions with me.


"It's been months! Damn Jules you've gotten bigger." Ansel said, I know he didn't mean it to be rude but damn. Jovian hit him upside his head. Ha.

"Hello to you too Ansel." I turned and saw Bailey practically running up to me.

"Jules!!" She engulfed me into a bone crushing hug. Literally I couldn't breathe.

"Heyy bailey." I patted her back stiffly.

She backed up "I'm sorry it's just been weeks."

"It's fine I've missed you too" when everyone got here and greeted each other we took a seat. Of course I was swarmed with questions about the pregancy. Kira was so excited there was a baby on the way.

"So Jules there's going to be a contribution next weekend... to all of our players." Franklin mentioned, putting emphasis on all. I felt jovian squeez my hand under the table.

"What would you all like to drink." The waitress came in and asked. They all gave their drinks and it was down to me and Shelby.

"I'm deciding between water or tequila.." I looked up from the menu and everyone was staring at me with horror and shook.

"She's joking. She'll have water." Jovian said, then the waiter got Shelby order before she scattered away.

"Anyways... Some of the staff wants to have a contribution to Kayden... I wanted to know how you felt on that before they tried to go through with it."

I shrugged "I mean sure. I'm not the only one who lost him, others should be able to mourn and whatever way they want to" hearing Kaydens name felt like a foriegn language.

"Okay.. I'll make the arrangements."

Bailey and Enzo fell into their own conversation. Bailey mentioned to me that he hasn't tried to kiss her, ask her out or anything. But their interaction is different.

When my food got here I picked around the rice bowl. It was pretty good. I got full halfway through it.

"So when's the gender reveal?" Kira started conversation with me.

"The what now?"

She chuckled "where you reveal the baby's gender, ya know?"

"Oh yeah... I don't think I'm having one of those.. I just find out the gender whenever." I shrugged.

She looked confused "That's one of the best parts of pregnancy"

I smiled storing my bowl "I'll just wait till it's- the baby's born." Shit why do I keep saying it?

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now