Tears ran down my face as his hands stopped me. He looked down at his stomach, a piece of glass was punctured into his stomach. My hands shaked as I took out the glass. His blood poured all over me. As I tried to use the glass to cut his seat belt.

Why won't it cut? Why isn't this working? He stopped me again. "I love you Jules." He mouthed before he closed his eyes. No no no. This ain't happening.

I tried to save him, I really tried but I fucking couldn't. I wasn't strong enough to get the stupid seatbelt unloose. I couldn't do it. I felt selfish as I swam to the top. The pain in my leg feels worse when I get out of water. A piece of glass was sticking out of my leg.I sat on the pavement as I cried to myself. What have I done?

I sit in the hospital bed with my knees to my chest. He was getting better. I know it, he was getting better. He was fucking trying. One month ago I wanted Kayden gone because I was hurt from what he did to me, but now all I want is him here to tell me everything's going to be okay. I want someone to tell me everything's going to be okay.

"Jules." I know that voice. I looked up to see Jovian red rimmed eyes. My lip trembled as I felt everything unraveled. Even though I hurt him he allowed me to cry on his shoulder. To let it all out without judgment. He even cried a bit.

"He was doing better. He wanted better." I sobbed as I clutch onto jovian harder. Everyone around me dies, everyone. And I don't think I can handle it anymore. I suddenly feel the urge I haven't felt in a while. I know if I start again I won't be able to stop.

"What can I do for you right now? What ever you need."

I sniffled "I just, I need.. I don't know." I ran a hand down my face.

He held me tighter. I laid my head on his chest. "Do you think that's what he wanted?"


"To die. Do you think he did that on purpose? Before everything he was talking about understanding how I felt about dying then it just happened."

"I don't think he will have that intent with you in the car. But I don't know. Fuck Jules you can never catch a break." He mumbled into my hair.

"Tell me about it." I attempted a laugh. Jovain said Ansel need a minute to deal with this but he was going to visit. "I think I'm going to go to Puerto Rico." I mentioned. "For good.."

"Why Puerto Rico?"

Then I explained to him about the tapes and why I feel the need to go to Puerto Rico.

"I think that's a good idea. Although I'll miss you like hell."

"we're broken up. Remember? You don't have to feel obligated to say things like that anymore."

"Jules you know better than anyone else that I won't say something if I feel obligated to do so. I say these things because I mean them."

That puts me on silence.

Two months later.

I've finally built up the courage to have the funeral. Many people said he didn't deserve one. I said otherwise. Media was going crazy over this, I didn't like how some were talking about it like they known him forever.

I held Valeria in my lap as we sat through the beginning of the reception. I sat next to Jovain causally, even though we haven't really talked during the two months. I had already moved to Puerto Rico and met Valentine. I've been staying with her. It's been refreshing. She wanted to come to the funeral but something came up with her work. I haven't met my grandfather yet, according to Valentine he isn't ready to see me yet. And I understand that.

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now