Chapter 97

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I ducked into another alcove and held my breath and the knife against my chest as more guards ran past. While it was comforting to have any type of weapon at all, I really did wish I had my gun. Unfortunately, because of the circumstances last time I was here, I had to leave it behind.

It had been quite easy to get out of the servants' halls. There were many small spaces to tuck into to avoid being discovered. Now that I was moving out into the main corridors, however, that would be a different story.

I hid my knife in the sheath under my dress, listened for footsteps outside the nearest pair of doors, then pushed through.

A group of Lunars were passing by, speculating what they thought the queen would wear for her coronation—a gown made of silk? A veil spun of lace? A tiara forged from the regolith that their kingdom was built upon?

"Oh please," a woman with a birdcage tucked into her mountain of auburn curls said. "The queen is much too sophisticated to wear a crown made of dull gray rock."

"It would be symbolic."

"No one cares for symbolism anymore, Genevieve. It's how many jewels the smiths can fit on her head."

I slipped behind the woman with the birdcage in her hair, desperately trying to look a part of their group. I mimicked their mannerisms—I slowed my speed walk to a strut, smoothed my scowl into a look of haughtiness. I was a Lunar attending the most sociable event of the year. The palace was glad to have me there.

I've been spending too much time with Iko.

"Excuse me."

I turned and every muscle in my body tensed when I realized who had spoken.

It was the gray-eyed guard from earlier who had spilled his drink on Cress. The one who had tried to cover for me last time I was in the palace.

I plastered on a friendly smile. "Can I help you with something?"

Please don't recognize me, please don't recognize me.

"I was just wondering if you'd like to accompany me during the viewing of the coronation," he said charmingly, holding out the elbow of his mint-green suit.

My fingers twitched, itching to reach for my knife. But I looped my hand in the crook of his elbow and gave him a dazzling smile. "Of course."

We continued walking, though we had separated a bit from the group of aristocrats in front of us. When they turned the corner ahead, the man stopped immediately in the middle of the empty hallway and reached into the pocket of his coat.

My knife was in my hand in a second.

He grinned lopsidedly and drew a gun.

I sucked in a breath and pointed the knife at him, though I knew it wouldn't be much use against his weapon. He'd shoot me before I was able to even take a step forward.

Instead of pulling the trigger, he spun the gun around so that the grips were facing me. "Here."

I blinked at the weapon, then at him. "Sorry?"

"You need something better to defend yourself if you're going to get out of here."

"What are you—"

"You're the commander that's friends with the cyborg."

It wasn't a question. He said it with such confidence there was no room for me to deny it. "Yes."

"Then you need to work with me here. I'm trying to help you. Here." He all but shoved the gun into my hand.

I stared at the firearm in my hand as if I had never seen one before, still dumbfounded by this whole situation.

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