Chapter 44

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We abandoned our entourage of guards in the elevator on the top floor. No one cared that it would be too easy to deduce where we were heading. Hopefully by the time anyone snapped out of Cinder's brainwashing, we'd be long gone.

The research wing's emergency service elevator was kept on its own, in an alcove tucked away from the rest of the wing. It was our final obstacle, and Cress had taken care to ensure it would be functioning properly when we arrived. She stumbled ahead of us to punch in the code.

The elevator opened and we crowded inside.

No one spoke—whether out of respect for Dr. Erland, or out of a tenuous hope that we were so close, so very close ...

The doors opened onto the rooftop. Dusk was climbing over the city, glistening off the palace windows and coating the landing pad in purple shadows.

And the Rampion was there, its ramp lowered toward us.

Cress laughed—an abrupt, delirious laugh.

Iko let out a victorious whoop and ran for the ramp, screaming, "We did it!"

Wolf alone slowed down, baring his teeth. Kai was still draped over his shoulder.

"Jacin—ready for takeoff—now!" Cinder yelled toward the ship. "We're—" Her words fell short and she slowed, then stopped altogether.

I unholstered my gun.

A figure appeared at the top of the cargo bay ramp. Her white coat and long sleeves made her look like a ghost haunting their ship, blocking our way to freedom.

When I glanced behind, I saw that Sybil wasn't alone. Half a dozen Lunar guards had crowded in behind us, blocking off our path to the elevator.

Which meant we had no place to run. No place to hide. We were forty steps from our ship, and we were trapped.

"What a lovely reunion," said Sybil, her sleeves snapping in the rooftop wind. "Had I known you were all going to come to me, I wouldn't have wasted half as much energy attempting to find you."

I kept my focus on Sybil as I took stock of my allies. Cinder was beside me, coiled with tension.

Wolf was slightly in front of me, snarling as he set Kai on the ground. Though he wasn't showing any pain, I could see a small spot of blood on Wolf's dress shirt—his stitches must have come undone, reopening the wound.

Iko wasn't far from him, the only one of us not panting.

Cress and Thorne were to Cinder's left. Thorne had a cane and, I thought, he might still have his gun too. But he, Wolf, and I could easily become liabilities, weapons to be toyed with by the thaumaturge, unlike Cress and Iko, who couldn't be controlled.

"How many?" Thorne asked.

"Mistress Sybil in front of us," said Cress, "and six Lunar guards behind."

After the slightest hesitation, Thorne nodded. "I accept those odds."

"So charming," said Sybil, tilting her head. "My little protégé has been embraced by cyborgs and androids and criminals—the scum of Earthen society. Quite fitting for a useless shell."

Cress lifted her chin, with a look more confident than I had ever seen on her.

"You mean the useless shell that just disconnected the link to all your palace surveillance equipment?"

Sybil clicked her tongue. "Arrogance doesn't suit you, dear. What do I care if the connection has been severed? Soon this palace will be the home of Queen Levana." She nodded. "Guards, leave His Majesty and the special operative unharmed. Kill the rest."

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